25 - Grace

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Sharp teeth gleam at me and I swim to put as much distance as I can from the Rager, shifting to human for and shivering in the cold lake as a scream of terror and pain sounds behind me. I turn to see the monster gone and a sheet of blood forming on the surface.

I was scared as the lake stilled and nothing could be seen, with hope I turn to flee but come face to face with the monster, it's eyes staring at me as we floated in the quiet.

"Do not be afraid." A whimsical voice fills my ears and I look around, realizing it was the monster before me talking.

"I have been waiting for a reason to kill those males and you gave that reason to me. Thank you Silver Wolf." It bows it's head at me respectfully before dipping into the lake, causing a wave to form that pushes me down under the water as I fight to find surface, looking my breath as I bounce against ground, my body weak from the cold water, the events I've been through and the wave that sent me crashing to...


I was on the lakes edge with my body half in and half out of the water, my mind wanting to rest for eternity after what I've been through. I knew The Run was trouble but no one would listen to me, they wanted tradition and their barbaric ways.

My eyes started to close and I was happy to let sleep take me for a while, maybe I would win the bet on a technicality if I died. Become living proof why not to continue The Run.

"Grace where are you!?" Some one yells, some one familiar.

"Grace!" I smile faintly as I hear his voice, like an angel coming to my rescue. Heavy eyes looking up to him a few meters away from me, I take in his appearance.

"Caden?" My voice was weak and I watch as he turns to look at me, seeing me in my state before rushing to where I lay.

I felt my body being lifted closer to him and watched as his eyes teared up, relief evident on his face and the tears finally begin to fall.

You're okay." He whispers out while tears flow down my cheeks. I was so happy to see him, to see the man who I was starting to fall for.

My sapphire eyes flicker to his emerald orbs as I raised my hand to gently brush away his tears, watching as he turns his mouth towards my palm and kissing it tenderly, making me blush what I knew would be a soft pink.

"I'm sorry I let them take you." He whispers to me as more tears fall from his emerald eyes and I tear up myself. This man came back for me. Not because I was a fellow were but because he loves me.

"You didn't let them take me, you fought to protect me and I'm guessing you came for me." I whisper back, praying my voice wouldn't crack. And then the most amazing thing happened. He kissed me.

At first I was surprised but slowly my lips move against his and I feel whole, kissing him back with as much relief and hope. Hope that he would be my future as my arms wrap around his neck and we find a way to be closer with our bodies pressed together.

Hi tongue darts out and flicks across my bottom lip minutes later and I moan loudly, parting my lips for him and sensing his surprise before he deepens the kiss, his tongue dancing against mine as I fought for controle, both of us dominant until he backs down and I lead the kiss, that is until we pull back for air.

Our foreheads press together as we catch our breath from the kiss. My first kiss. And I smile as I stare at him.

"When the run is done will you go on a date with me?" I ask, my voice shy as I look at him with wide eyes, his own stating into mine.

"Couldn't you at least let me be there stereotypical guy and ask you out first." He jokingly says and I giggle.

"Nope, I'm the boss." I state matter of factly, getting a kiss on the forehead from him in response.

"Okay, fine." He whisper, tucking a strand of my wet hair behind my ear, butterflies fluttering in my stomach from the action.

"So am I gunna ask why you're both cuddling naked because there was enough time for you two to finally do the deed." We both jump at Amelia's words, not realizing she had joined us to the water's edge, the lace back to being peaceful.

"I'm still unmated, for now." I say matter of factly as I turn to look at my best friend, sensing that Caden was smiling and I turn to see him staring at me, his eyes holding something I could not fathom.

"Let's get you to a warm dry cave so we can sleep." Caden suggests and I nodd, calmness settling over my as I let him lift me up and carry me away from the lake, catching the lake monster wave it's tail in farewell to me .

No, not monster but guardian of the lake nodd at me before the sway of Caden's steps and warmth from his body lulls me to sleep and the red stained lake fades away.

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