27 - Grace

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Warmth, that's what surrounded me. The smell of a cave and soft fur caressing my body as I snuggled closer to the warm wall.

"She up yet?" A voice whispers and I feel the wall move.


A wall shouldn't move.

Like lightning I bolt awake, my body on alert until I realize I was on a bed, Caden's wolf looking at me with worry as he whimpers and Amelia pausing half way through eating jerky.

"Hi." I hesitantly croak out, getting a lick on my cheek from the gold wolf. I couldn't help but let a giggle escape my lips as I wrap my arms around his neck, my fingers massaging his dirty fur. We were all in need of a good shower.

"You okay Ace?" Amelia questions, pushing herself off the ground to rush over to where Caden and I sat, her arm stretching down with a canteen clutched in her grip as she holds it out for me to take.

"Thanks" I say, my voice croaking from the lack of proper water. Taking the canteen I unscrew the lid and take a greedy gulp of water, smiling as it soothes my dry throat and feeling Caden move closer to me, nuzzling my back gently with his head as his tail wraps around my torso.

With a sigh, I replace the cap and set the canteen down before slowly stretching, feeling my sore muscles pop as I groan slightly.

"How many days left?" My voice was stronger now as I asked the dreaded question, Amelia shifting uneasily.

"Well?" I persisted, not liking how this was going.

"This is the fourth day. You slept through most of yesterday and the night." I hadn't realised Caden had shifted till I felt a blanket being wrapped around me and I was pulled close to him.

"So there are only three days left." I whisper, watching the look of lost hope on Amelia's face.

"You need to rest Ace. We can't finish the bet I'm sorry." She says as she takes my hands in her own. I felt a slow steady rage build inside of me as I pulled away from the two and turned to walk to my bag on shaky legs. I had time left to win.

"I'll rest when I win. I've been through hell and back and I've seen things no shewolf should see." Quickly I dress and grab my bag, turning to look at my friends, taking in Caden's form the longest.

"You can either help me or stay out of my way." It was a warning and an invitation and I expected them to try to stop me but I was shocked as Caden narrowed the space between us and grabbed me, pulling me flush against him and kissing me long and hard and leaving me wanting more at the end.

"Let's win this thing then. But on one condition." He says as I try to catch my breath and calm my fluttering heart.

"What?" I question in a daze.

"You ride on my back and stay in human form." He finishes and I sigh, nodding with a laugh as I let Caden take the lead.

"Okay Caden."

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