19 - Grace

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Thats all that surrounded me as I drifted happily.


Thats what fills me as I try to remember what I was doing moments ago before I was filled with the peace.

"You're my b*tch so shut up and take it." Some one shouts, cutting into my blissful nothingness.

Grunts and sobs follow after as I open my heavy eyes to see a femal with tears streaming down her cheeks being taken doggy style by a male. Her hands were tied to a bar in front of her.

The wolf was plowing into her with no restraint as the girl begged for him to stop and giver her a break, blood dripping down her legs from what I assumed to be from all of the assult.

"You'll get a break when your pregnant." The man snaps, yanking her hair painfully and I feel a growl rise up my throat, taken my time and standing on shaky legs as I realize, with happiness, that I was still in my wolf form to glare at the man who stoped to look at me with a smirk.

"Hello girly." He sneers, giving one last thrust into the poor she wolf before standing and turning to face me, the girl crumbling to the ground as she sobs.

"Will you like to play too?" He questions with a cackle as he walks closer to me, his hand making his length hard for him as I lunge, my teeth two inches away from turning him into a girl only to yelp when a collar yanks me back.

I realize that people where watching as every male in what appears to be a room laughs at me, the girls giving me a sympathetic glance as if they already tried that.

"Now, now, you have to behave." The man states and I glare at him some more, pissed that my teeth were not close to riping him apart, but maybe I could get him another way.

I smirk in my head as I step closer, reaching the end of my chain and growling menacingly at the male who laughs at me some more, my eyes shifting to the poor shewolf on the ground who he had just finished raping as she curls up as best as she could into a ball.

"Remember, the boss wants her for himself but that doesn't mean you can't play with her." Some one shouts and the male turns his head.

"I know, maybe after he cla-" he is cut off as his bloodcurdling screams fills the walls in the room, blood gushing from the spot where his penis used to be and my paw covered with the same blood as I shred the torn of body part with my claws, leaving a paste of blood, skin and whatever else his penis was made of on the floor.

"Holly shit!" Some one exclaims as I smirk, walking closer to the wall and laying down, my head held high.

"She...she just...but how?" Some one stammers unintelligently as silence fills the room.

"What part of shut the hell up don't you idiots understand?" Some one shouts after slaming the door open and I look to see the man from earlier, the one who was fighting me and...Caden!

I freeze as I think about Caden and Amelia. Bith were probubly worried about me and Amelia was probubly frantically searchig for me.

"Sorry Alsir, b-but that sh-she wolf tore M-Mitch's dick a-apart." Some one answeres as everyone turns to stare at the man who was still bleeding and screaming in pain.

"Well I told you all she was dangerous and to stay away. Some one take him outside and signal a medical crew." The man whom I learned is Alsir says as he looks at me.

"The Alpha is gunna love claiming you at the lodge." He deadpans and I just growl as I watch him leave once again.

My scan of the room leads me to believe that that was the only exit and I just glare at the door, laying my head on my paws as I think of what I could do to escape

Two men cautiously step forward catching my eyes, weary of me as the go to help their friend and I grunted out a wolf laugh, rolling my eyes as I catch a female trying to get my attention behind them.

Looking at me, she starts pointing at the two males, mouthing the words blonde and keys and sure enough, when I turn my head to look at thr three, one of the men was blond and the glint of keys reflect a shine in the small amount of light that floods the room.

I turn to the shewolf and nodd, standing quietly as their focus is on the male I torn apart. With a wolfish grin I walk closer to them, being at the end of my chain before I snarl and swing my bloody paw, feeling the key hoop slid into my claw as the men jump back with their friend between them, screaming in fright.

To keep suspicions off me I move back and crouch low, hiding the keys under my paw and growling agrily at them, wanting nothing more then to attack them but if they knew I had my prize they would take it back.

The men scurry quickly away from me, dragging the man towards the door and leaving me, ten shewolves and three males who keep a weary gaze on me in the room and a trail of blood in their wake.

Silently I slid the keys behind me to where I had layed and straightened, turning to the shewolf who had helped me find the keyes and giving her a wolfish grin, hope flashing in her eyes.

If I wait until the males fall asleep we will all be free in no time.

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