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Now I know why he said we can even switch trucks. It was across the road from my house. Tomorrow at school we'll be switching. Until then I've got mine.

I cleaned most out of my junk. Leaving my backpack and hoodie. Then went inside. It was clean and tidy. I set my suitcase down and got the dirty clothes out first thing, clean laundry.

I looked out seeing my mom pull up and get my dad. They both left going back to town. I ran out and across the road once they were out of view. I found the hidden key and went straight for my room. I grabbed two roller suitcases and stuffed them full of clothes. I grabbed the rest of my jeans and all of my long sleeves.

Then all my tall socks and undergarments. Then opened my window and set them outside. I went back through the house and locked it back.

I got to my suitcases when I saw them pull back up. I hid in the bushes until they left again. I dragged the bags to the road and across. My pain killers were wearing off.

I was able to get them inside and set in the spare bedroom. I laid down on the bed to catch my breath. The front door opened and I got up slowly. I almost ran into Logan as he was checking the house.

"Thought you were here." He said. I didn't tell him about me sneaking over to get more clothes from my house. His arms wrapped around me carefully. Then he kissed my forehead.

"I know it's close to your house. You'll be fine as long as their not out while you are." He said. I had my arms around him and my face buried in his chest. "My parents told me to get lost until eight. So what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Something away from here." I told him. He kissed me again. "Come on sweetheart." He said leading me to his truck. He opened the passenger door and helped me up.

I loved the scent of his truck. I'm going to enjoy it. It wasn't messy but it wasn't clean either. "I'll clean it out when we get back." He said.

He took me to another diner in town. We sat down in a booth and he order both drinks and food. "Don't worry this is a better place than where we go for lunch." He said with a smile.

I didn't complain at all. "My parents are basically going to kick me off the land every afternoon until your parents are arrested." He said. "Doesn't bother me. Just means I get to spend time with you." I told him.

He smirked and held my hand under the table. Our food arrived and he nodded to the waitress. I felt like I could eat a lot but at the same time wasn't hungry.

I did eat and it was still hard to breathe the entire time. Once we both were done I was tired. Once we got to the truck he helped me in and hurried to his side. I didn't even buckle it was that bad.

I leaned on his shoulder dozing off hoping it would help with the pain. A few minutes later he stopped the truck. I felt him gently lift my head up. I sat up letting him out. He came around to my side and carried me inside.

He set me on the couch. "Jess where did you put your pain killers?" He asked. "The suitcase by the door." I told him. He jumped from where he was crouched in front of me and got into the bag.

Then he hurried into the kitchen and came back with a glass of water. "You need to take this now." He told me. I took the medicine from him and water. I took it and handed the glass back to him.

"There's no way you can carry your bag tomorrow. I'll carry it for you as much as I can." He said. I knew he was right on this. In a week I have to get an X-Ray on my ribs and hopefully their mostly healed.

I sat up to let him sit. He gently pulled me onto his lap. I curled up to him wanting sleep. "Come on I'll take you to bed." I let him carry me into the room I'm staying in and set me on the bed.

Logan's POV
I set her on the bed and covered her up. She was exhausted after today. Hopefully it just gets better from here.

I went outside and decided to clean my truck out. I'm not going to lie, but I really love to snack. Especially after school. I lost count of all the wrappers and chip bags I cleaned out. Then I took some cleaning wipes and cleaned the interior on the doors, console, and dashboard.

Then I got into the back seat and got my backpack out and the rifle I always carried just in case. The sheriff knew I carried it. The chief of police knew I carried it. They both knew it was because of coyotes and now cougars.

I carried it and my bag over to her truck and set them both inside. I took her bag and let her have my hoodie. She'll love wearing it, especially when it starts getting colder.

Head Over Boots: book 4 of the Triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now