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Christmas is next week. I wanted to go visit my family but had only enough to make the trip up. I sat on my tailgate waiting on my boyfriend to show up. It's been a month since he asked me out.

Our one month anniversary, the twenty first of each month marks another month with him. He pulled up seven minutes until class. I watched as he jumped out and came over to me.

The guys were standing next to me and Amber next to Fisher. I was sitting on the side closest to his parking space. He stopped in front of me kissing me.

"Happy one month anniversary." He said before kissing me once more. I giggled and put my arms around him. "Happy one month." I told him back.

"Let's get to class Tess." He said. I smiled as he grabbed my backpack. We walked to class hand in hand earning glares and sneers from girls and especially Kale. Logan moved his arm to around my waist and I smirked at the way he's holding me.

Girls could only dream about him dating them. He's mine and no one can take him from me. We entered class. Mrs. Hathaway was already in the classroom. "Morning to the both of you. Mr. Ray mind the PDA rule." She said to us. I knew Logan was smirking.

"Tess please you need to go visit your family

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"Tess please you need to go visit your family." Logan told me. "I know but I don't have enough to make it back." I told him. "I want you to come back so..." He pulled out his wallet. "Logan you know I can't." I told him.

"Tess you know I care about you. This is your early Christmas gift from me." He said sticking money in my back pocket. I put my arms around his torso. "I don't want you to become distant from your family." He added putting his arms around me.

He's the best boyfriend ever. I buried my head in his chest. He kissed the top of my head. "Come on buttercup let's go inside before we catch pneumonia." He said leading us inside his house.

So now I'm leaving tomorrow. He's definitely going to miss me. "Logan can I take one of your shirts so I don't get lonely?" I asked him as we sat on the couch.

He kissed me. "How about I send a hoodie and a shirt with you." He replied. He's the best boyfriend ever! That night I slept next to him in one of his shirts. He kept me close to him the entire night.

I woke up the next morning not wanting to get up. It was the twenty fourth of December. "Buttercup you need to be on the road." Logan told me.

"But I don't want to." I complained. "I'll make you breakfast to go if you get up." He bargained. "Ok." I said getting up. He got up out of bed in his basketball shorts.

"You have to be dressed with your hair brushed and shoes on by the time I'm done." He said before walking out of the room.

I pulled on socks, my jeans, the long sleeve I brought in, and brushed my hair and pulled it back out of my face. I grabbed my boots and one of his shirts and took the bags out to my truck.

I went back inside and he had my breakfast ready. He handed me his favorite hoodie and breakfast. "I'll call you tonight buttercup." He said before kissing my forehead. "Ok Hero." I said.

"Love you, drive safe." He said. "Love you too, I will." I told him. We kissed at the door before I put the hoodie on and walked out to my truck.

I got in and started it up. I hooked up the Bluetooth and put my playlist on. I am definitely going to miss Logan. Once I got to Dallas I went clear around it and called grandpa.

I told him I was on my way up to Dodge for Christmas and that I'd be in late. All through Oklahoma I had to go through soo many toll booths! It was ridiculous.

Once I hit Oklahoma City I stopped to eat. Logan called as I pulled into Burger King. "How's the trip so far buttercup?" He asked.
"Not bad it's all of these toll booths that's really taking a toll on me. The prices are outrageous!" I told him as I was sitting in the drive through line.
"I know. My uncle Colt told me Oklahoma is a pain to drive through especially with the toll booths." He said as I finally got to the window.

I rolled the window down and paid for my meal. The person handed me a food bag and I checked for everything. Then was handed my drink. It was what I wanted.

Once I rolled my window up he continued. "I hope to see you for your birthday." "And I hope to see you for my birthday." I told him. "I'll let you go so you can drive. See you after Christmas. I love and miss you."
"Love you and miss you too." I replied before having to hang up.

I ate while driving.

Logan's POV
I had to get her something for her birthday. The trip up to see her family was my gift to her. I knew my mom didn't know her family and Hedli would try to visit her family when she had time to travel to see them.

I didn't want her to become distant from her family. That's what I was afraid would have happened. "Logan could you run and get feed just in case the blizzard wants to arrive early?" My dad called.

"Yes sir." I called back. I pulled my boots on and grabbed my coat. Then grabbed the keys to the flatbed. "Hey bro can I go?" Timothy asked. "Does dad need you?" I asked him.

"Your brother needs to get out of the house. He's like his mother, hates being cooped up inside." Dad said walking by. "Grab your coat and let's go." I told him before walking out.

He ran after me to the truck. My seven year old brother jumped into the passenger seat and buckled up as I got in.

Head Over Boots: book 4 of the Triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now