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February 13th, 2037

Harvest licked my nose waking me up. I sat up looking at the puppy I got for my birthday. He had a red ribbon around his neck. I found a card inside an envelope attached to the ribbon.

Happy Valentine's Day buttercup! Follow the trail all the way to school.
                           Your hero

I looked up at Harvest. He yipped. I got out of bed my feet landing on something soft and velvety. I looked down finding a mixture of red and white rose petals.

I followed the trail into the kitchen finding another note.

Breakfast is in the microwave, set it to thirty seconds and no peeking.

I set the microwave and continued to follow the petals. It led into the living room where a red long sleeve and a pair of my favorite jeans. A pair of red shafted boots sat next to the outfit on the floor with a note sticking out.

If you think this is the last surprised continue on through out the day.

The microwave beeped. I got dressed quickly and went back to the kitchen. I opened the microwave finding chocolate chip pancakes! I quickly ate and brushed my teeth then fixed my hair.

I grabbed my backpack a note falling out of it. I picked it up and walked out making sure to let Harvest out too. He was capable of getting into the garage under the heat lamp I put in when I had to go back to school.

Roses may be red, your eyes are the perfect shade of blue, be careful when you open your truck door there's something there too.

Carefully I opened my door, a stuffed animal was sitting on the door. I caught it before it could hit he ground. A note was attached to it.

We may not have time to spend after school but lunch is always fun! Turn the truck on and you'll see.

I was now nervous. I stuck my bag in the passenger seat and turned it on. A cd started playing. Then his voice rang out. It was soft and smooth. He had to have help with this.

I backed out and listened to it the whole way to school. He's an amazing singer and I bet he wrote the song himself. When I got there he wasn't there yet.

I got out after setting the cute dog in my windshield. The guys weren't around either. I checked my phone. No texts. Then went to get my backpack. It's too cold to be sitting out here.

Amber came up. "Hey! Happy Valentine's Day!" She exclaimed. We walked to first hour together. Once we got there I sat in my seat while she sat in hers.

The first bell rang and all the guys came in except Logan. Five minutes after the second bell he walked in. "Mr. Ray do you have an excuse for being tardy?" Mrs. Hathaway asked.

"My alarm clock didn't go off." He told her. Wrong. As he walked by he set a note on my desk. I tried not to blush.

I know I was late to class, but for a great reason. Your the most beautiful and amazing girlfriend in the world. I love you so much. Hope your day is just as bright as you are.

I could feel the red creep onto my cheeks. Mrs. Hathaway passed out our quiz and we had to have it done. I finished mine quickly and turned it in.

Once the bell rang Logan grabbed my bag and carried it for me. "You look beautiful today." He said kissing my temple. I reached up kissing his cheek.

I loved it! He dropped me off at my second hour class and went on his way. I set my bag down another note falling out. I opened it while I sat down in my seat.

I may not be perfect, but I'm always there for you. Friday night is a movie night. Dinner and a show. You get to choose I don't care what we get to watch.

Ok now I'm convinced he's the sweetest guy in the whole town. After second hour was over I went to third. He was already there. A note already on my desk. I opened it finding a heart cut out inside.

Check your bag.

Shortest note so far. I looked back at him. He had a calm and cooling look on his face. I opened my bag finding a heart shaped box. I pulled it out halfway. A box of chocolates.

I snuck a look at him. He was focused on looking at his phone. As much as I wanted to jump into his lap and kiss the crap out of him I couldn't just yet.

At the end of third hour he picked up my bag and carried it to our next class. I sat down in front of him. He sent me a text. 'One more hour buttercup.'

I looked back at him. He had a small but noticeable smirk. At the end of class he picked my bag up and grabbed my hand. "So how about lunch buttercup?" He asked.

How could I say no. We walked to the diner. He opened the door like always and we walked over to our booth. This time he sat next to me.

"Did you enjoy your morning?" He asked. "Definitely." I told him putting his arm around me. He kissed my forehead then cheek. I turned my head making him kiss my lips.

He tightened his arm around me pulling me closer. I looked into his eyes before kissing him again. He didn't mind that.

After we got our food we left taking it back with us. He didn't even have to talk for me to know what he was thinking. "Logan." He looked down at me. "This has been the best two and a half months of my life." I told him.

He stopped us and stood in front of me. "Same here buttercup." He leaned in to kiss me. I reached up meeting him half way.

Once back at the parking lot Logan asked me a question. "What's that in your front seat?" I looked up seeing a giant stuffed horse with a heart hanging out of its mouth.

I looked at him. He had a knowing look on his face as he told me to go check it out.

Head Over Boots: book 4 of the Triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now