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Thanksgiving day,
My attire is sweats. My lunch is a turkey sandwich with potato chips. Very classy if you ask me.

Logan's POV
"Logan. Does Jessie have anyone she's staying with for thanksgiving?" My mom asked me. I didn't even know. "If not go pick her up and bring her over. We've always got room for one more!" She told me.

I picked my phone up to call her knowing she's at her house.

Jessie's POV
I sat there watching tv with my phone in my bedroom. The ringer was way up so I could hear it. ''M. O. V. E., I love it. Yeah I love it when you get that beat. Boots on stomp your feet. It's like you've been waiting all week to, move like you do sexy and smooth....'' I grabbed my phone after running for it.

That's what I set Logan's ring to after it came on over the radio and he caught me dancing to it. My uncle only told Logan to treat me like the princess he sees me as. More or less threatened to hurt him if he broke my heart.

I answered my phone. "Hey J bae. Are you busy today?" He asked. I giggled at him rhyming.
"Let's see I'm dressed in sweats, my lunch is a turkey sandwich and my family is up in Kansas." I told him.
"I'll be over in a few minutes." Was all he said before hanging up.

I had no idea what he was thinking until he showed up and went straight to my room. I followed him in. He sat me on my bed and went over to my closet. He pulled out a pair of jeans and set them on the bed.

Then went back and pulled out a red shirt and found a scarf. Then reached into the bottom and pulled out my only pair of Justin boots. He set the shirt on my bed.

"I'll let you get dressed. Ok?" He said before kissing my cheek. I got up on my knees and put my arms around his neck. He had a light smile playing on his lips.

He wrapped his arms around my waist before kissing my lips. "Please dress. I'll be back in a few minutes." He told me before kissing me again. He walked out closing my door behind him.

I took my sweats off and put the jeans and long sleeve. I brushed my hair out or tried before he slipped in and took my brush brushing the back out. "For the longest time Rylin taught me how to do hair. She thought it would come in handy one day when I met a girl then one day had a daughter of my own." He said.

My completely straight hair needed no attention really. He ran his fingers through my hair before getting the infinity scarf and setting it around my neck. "Your so beautiful. No matter what time of year." He told me as he kissed my neck.

I blushed deeply. "Especially when you blush." He added. I giggled blushing more. He chuckled and slid his arms around my waist pulling me into him. "We better get going or else we'll miss dinner." He whispered into my ear.

He led me out to his truck with a bag of extra clothes. He opened the passenger door and helped me in. Once I was buckled he closed the door and hurried around.

Then drove to the ranch. He drove down his driveway to his house. "Since my parents got married they started having thanksgiving and Christmas at my house because my parents did an add on for their wedding so it could be used in the future as anything.

"I was planning on living in the southeastern part of the ranch. Since Wyatt lives in the northeastern part." He told me. "That's cool." I said. "I'll take you by later. The ground is already planned out. The blueprints are already planned and it should be done by the time I get my bachelors degree in college." He added.

He sounded excited to have his own piece of land and house.  I was happy for him. We stopped in front of his house and he made sure he opened the door instead of me.

I let him lead me up my hand in his. He opened the front door and led me in. Both his parents greeted me. Then his grandparents. "I don't think you've ever met Pawpaw Ray yet." Logan said.

I let him drag me over to an elderly man that could barely lift his arm. "How are you pawpaw?" Logan asked the elderly man. The man looked over at him. I wrapped my arms around Logan's arm.

"I'm doin' fine boy. Who's this?" The man asked. "My girlfriend sir." Logan answered. "And what's your name?" The man asked. "Tessica, Tessie for short." I told him.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. You may call me Pawpaw." He told me. I smiled. "Now who would you like to meet next?" Logan asked. "My aunts and uncles or my cousins?" "I'm going to meet them sometime so which ever we run into first." I told him.

He led me around me still clinging to his arm. "Come on take my hand." He said. I dropped an arm down to his hand. At one point I had a full family without missing or passed away members, that was when I was five.

Being self conscious about my future family is something that I haven't thought about for a while. He led me over to a group. He stopped in front of them. I've already met Wyatt and I knew Rylin from school when she'd have to get a ride from Logan.

"How's school Logan?" The taller man asked. "Fine." Logan told him. "Who's this?" The man asked. "This would be my girlfriend." Logan told him. "Colt Ray. Logan's uncle and Wyatt and Bailie's father." Colt said.

"Zach Ray. Logan's other uncle and Rylin's father." The man standing next to Colt said. "Tessica, Tessie for short. It's nice to meet you both." I said introducing myself.

What's up readers,
Quick author's note:
I did change the name of Jessie to Tessie. Truth was I wanted a name that meant harvester. Tessica means wealthy harvester, least I got close enough to what I wanted plus extra!

Head Over Boots: book 4 of the Triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now