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Tomorrow is my seventeenth birthday! I'm so excited! My grandpa and Cal definitely warmed up to Logan after seeing how he treated me. I never knew his grandfather was the mayor of Marshall until he said something.

Tonight is the big New Year's Eve party to celebrate the new year. I'm supposed to wear a dress tonight. The thing is I don't exactly do dresses very well. I will be changing into it after I get there though. Rylin and Bailie were going to be doing my hair and dare I say it, make up.

I set the dress in my backseat with the matching flats. NO HEELS. Then I grabbed my pink tote with hair products and my grandma's make up. She had the same eye color I do.

Then I closed the door and got in. Grandpa and Cal were already there. They were helping decorate for tonight. It was being held at Logan's house because it was used for parties too.

I drove to his house and parked outside. Then got out and was greeted by his two girl cousins. I got my dress and flats while Bailie got my tote.

"You've got an hour to get ready!" Rylin said as we walked inside. "Use my room!" Logan called over his shoulder. I walk straight to his room hanging the dress on the open closet door.

"He's definitely going to love seeing you in that!" Bailie told me. I shyly smiled. "Wash your hair and clean your face." Rylin told me. I grabbed my shampoo and conditioner. Then my face wash.

I washed my hair and conditioned it. Then wrapped my hair in a towel and washed my face. A knock alerted us. "I forgot to get my suit." I could hear Logan say. Rylin went to the closet and went back to the door.

I rinsed my face off and dried it. "Now your dress." Bailie said. It was custom fit, royal blue with beading. I stepped into his walk in closet and changed into it. Strapless. I stepped out letting one of them finish zipping it up.

They made me sit down in his desk chair. While one did my makeup the other did my hair. It dried board straight. "Dang I wish I had your hair." Rylin said as she tried to curl my hair. "It doesn't curl very well." I told her.

She gave up on trying to curl it and pulled it back. Half up and half down. She found a hair clip that belonged to my grandma. It matched the dress.

Once my hair and makeup was done they didn't let me look. Even though I wanted to. I slipped into my flats and followed them down the hall. They blocked my view of most of the floor.

They stopped just before the end of the hall. I didn't know how I looked or what he was going to think. His brother Jax was the first to see me. "You look beautiful tonight Tessie." He told me.

I swallowed hard. Then I saw Logan pass by. "Go." Rylin whispered gently pushing me off. I stepped out of the hall and onto the floor. Grandpa and Cal saw me first. They both gave me a soft smile.

I looked around the huge room. Finally spotting Logan. I walked over to him putting my hand in his. The guys were silently looking at me. Logan looked down at me.

"You look so beautiful tonight." He said softly. He looked so handsome. I shyly smiled. He pulled me close to him. His arm around my waist. We talked all night until it was time for the count down.

The ball started going down. Second by second. Once it hit midnight Logan pulled me in for a kiss. "Happy birthday buttercup." He said before kissing me again.

"Thank you hero." "One second." He said before stepping away and rushing out of the room. A few seconds later a puppy with a royal blue ribbon bounded over to me.

I picked it up holding it. It licked my nose. I giggled at the puppy. I checked the now visible tag around its neck.

Happy birthday buttercup, I saw this pup and thought you'd love to have a friend while out checking crops or riding in the cab during planting or harvesting season. I know we'll both be very busy once spring hits so we'll have as many lunch dates as possible. I promise I will love you always.
                                  Your hero,

I smiled widely. Logan came up behind me kissing my temple. "A man was at the feed store on Christmas Eve giving puppies away. I decided to get you pup so it would have a nice home.

He was so kind and cared about everyone. Like I've said before he would let everyone else eat before himself and would be the last out of a burning building.

I kissed him. "Thank you." I told him. He smiled then kissed my forehead. He's the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.

Head Over Boots: book 4 of the Triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now