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I finished plowing the summer ground. Last week I killed out the grass so none would grow over the winter. My parents thought it would be fun to move all the way down to Texas.

They thought cattle would be better than crops. I don't think so. I start school here in a week. Not so excited. My parents are what you call money spenders. They buy things before they have the money for it. I've got my own bank account.

I pay the bills while they think their getting money from me, their actually spending money they don't have. I told the electric and water company that I usually pay for an entire years worth at once. What ever money that is not used goes into the next year.

I even pay my taxes and have enough to pay bills. Once I was finished I parked the tractor next to my truck. Six inch lift, black, grill guard, mudding tires, diesel engine, and my favorite part is that it's a Ford.

I locked the tractor and climbed into my truck. I drove ten miles to my house that's how much field I got this time. I pulled into my drive after getting the mail. Both parents were outside talking to a police officer.

I parked and got out. "What do you mean we owe over one million dollars? We pay for everything we have up front!" My mom confronted. 'That's what you think.'

"Our daughter is out there making us money. We have over three million." My dad said. "Apparently you have no money in your account. I'm going to have to a time frame of three months to come up with the money. If you don't you will be spending jail time for it." The officer said before turning to leave.

I went straight inside and got a shower. Once I was done I fixed supper and checked money. This winter I usually will end up with odd jobs here and there. During the summer I also got odd jobs. Either working for the nearest tractor dealership as an extra hand or hauling hay for those that need someone to.

Once supper was done I fixed my plate and ate.

My alarm went off on time

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My alarm went off on time. I jumped out of bed and got dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. Last night was back to school night for the juniors and seniors. People were staring at me like I was an alien or something.

What can I say when someone new moves to town everybody already knows the family is there. They just want to know why their there and what they plan on doing.

I pulled my partial curly hair back in a ponytail before straightening it. I of course left my bangs out to frame my face just on the left side. I went into the kitchen and fixed my lunch. Then ate something for breakfast.

I brushed my teeth and put my boots on. Both parents were still asleep while I was getting ready. Once I was done in the house I took my backpack and lunch out to the truck. Then fed the cats and got in my truck.

The engine roared and black smoke came from the exhaust pipe. I backed up and drove down the drive. Going down the road several people stopped to watch as I drove by.

Once I pulled up to the school I found a parking spot next to a similar truck. Ten minutes until class. I went over my schedule. All classes in the morning. No electives at all. That will help with my after school job until spring.

I stuck my lunch in my bag and got out. I stuck my key fob into my pocket after I locked the doors. Several boys watched as I walked through the parking lot up to the school.

I couldn't find the first teacher on my schedule. I looked around wondering who the teacher was. "Hi I'm Lou!" A perky girl said coming up. "Tessica." I said. She told me which building the teacher was in before she had to leave.

I knew which building was which so it wasn't hard to find it. I found the class just before the bell rang. I sat down in a desk close to the back. Several girls sat close to the left front. They were wearing clothes that basically said 'I'm a prostitute screw me,' showing too much cleavage.

I looked to the right seeing girls that were dressed similar to me. The boys behind them were the same. I was in the middle of the room mixed in with them. "Good morning students I'm Mrs. Hathaway your math teacher for this year." The lady said. First class right room.

She looked around the room. "A lot of you I saw last year as sophomores and I see a new face." She said looking at me. I could feel eyes on me. Then she sat at her desk and took roll.

"As I call your name please sit in the correct seat." She said standing and going to the seat closest to her. "Braydon Aaron." She started. A guy got up from behind me and moved to that seat.

I stood up when a person had to sit in my seat. I stood next to the group of girls dressed similar. "Jessica Raleigh, Logan Ray." She said lastly. I found my seat and sat down. A boy sat down behind me. Last row second to last seat.

She went over the rules and procedures in her class. I've got to admit it was boring. The guy named Logan was talking to a guy beside him. Once the bell rang I checked my schedule. Science now. I walked to the science building and found that class.

All morning we just learned about the rules and procedures. I went out to my truck and put the tailgate down for me to sit on. I jumped up pulling myself onto it.

I set my backpack next to me and pulled my lunch out. Realization hit me that I could be taken from my parents. I was about to turn seventeen in December anyway.

Head Over Boots: book 4 of the Triple R seriesWhere stories live. Discover now