I'm not okay but now I am

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Some days it is a lot harder than others; my family life isn't the greatest. I have an abusive father but my mom and I don't have enough saved up to leave. And even if we did he is so insane he would of found us. By the way I'm Nicole, I'm not your normal social butterfly, I usually stick to myself most of the time. Except for this one guy named Zach who is my absolute best friend as cheesy as that sounds. Zach and I are going to be experiencing the greatest day of our lives together; we are seeing My Chemical Romance. 

I lay in bed contemplating my options of what to do with this cut on my leg and the ninety degree weather outside. My father had decided that I deserved it because of my mouth. I threw on a pair of jeans and grabbed my book bag. I walk over the piles of dirty laundry and cross off the word MONDAY on my calendar only four more days till the concert.
          I walked through the house passing the empty bottles of Gin and see my mom in the kitchen crying with a new cut on her face. I walk over and hug her.

           "Mom, it's going to be okay soon enough. "

          "Sweetie, you got to go Zach and you will be late." She said as she uses a napkin to wipe off the blood draining from her brow.

           "I know. I love you and I promise I will fix this."I say as I give her a hug and kiss.
             That bitch, take it out on me but not my mom too, she has been through enough already. I grabbed an apple for myself and walk through the door. I closed the door behind me and skip down the stairs to make it in Zach's 1995 Neon also known as his pride and joy. When I was younger I had a huge crush on Zach, but last year he finally told me that he was gay. He said he knew since three years ago. He just didn't want to mess up our relationship. I told him that I wouldn't care any way, so we now are closer than ever.

            "Hey!" He yells over his loud music as he chuckles.

            "Hey!" I say, opening up the door and climbing in.

           "Umm Nik did your dad ... umm hurt you last night?" He said in a kind and low voice almost like he was trying to make sure I wasn't embarrassed.

I looked at his soft brown eyes and it made me feel safe, knowing he was there, and that he was asking that. I nodded my head.

         "But Zach, how did you know?" I asked.

         "Well, I only said that because of um your leg it is bleeding."

"Shit!" I shouted as he pulled out of the driveway. I grabbed an old napkin he had in his car I clean the cut up and soon as the napkin got heavy with the blood soon it stopped.

"You should go to the emergency room, you might need stitches." said Zach.

"I would need my dad or my mom to come and sign paper and you know how he would be. It would cause more harm then good." Zach nodded with concern, but soon dropped the topic by bringing up our favorite. Music. Zach grabbed the CD pouch and threw one in the opening and turned the stereo up. And in sync we sang;



After about three pump up songs we get to our own personal hell hole

We hear the bell ring ain't this the life another detionion coming my way I think to myself.

"Well.." zach says

"Let's just ditch"

I dont even think about it.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now