The hospital

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Once I found Gerard we both were back in what seemed like seconds. Zach already called the cops and ambulances. We made sure that Mikey and Frank were okay and then Gerard pulled me aside.

"Baby are you okay?"


"That doesn't seem very promising."

"I'm fine I'm just shook up."

Gerards P.O.V

As we get into the hospital we see Mikey sitting in the waiting room. I run and hug him and Zach I ask them if they are okay. They both answer saying that they are fine.

"So where is Frank?"Nicole asks.

"Surgery." Zach replys." It nearly missed his liver so they need to make sure everything else is okay."

Nicole looks like she is going to throw up.

*4 hours later *


I wake up on Gerard's sholder. We all are asleep. I go to the secretary

"Hi can I help you?" she asked

"Um yes I'm looking for Frank Iero's room."

"To the right second from  the bathroom."

"Oh okay thank you." I begin to walk there when I notice someone next to the same door crying.

"Is everything all right?"

"What do you think?" They say sharply to me in reply I'm sorry .

I see that its Frank.

"Frank whats bothering you?"


He wipes his tears off and goes back into his room.

Uh okay?


Nic .... nic wake up I say Nicole wake up I jump up shes not there. Babe? I run to the desk and show them my phone.

"Seen this girl?"

"Yepp." she  reply.

"Okay WHERE?" I say in a panic.

"She went down to see a patient."

"Frank Iero?"

"That's the one."

Oh thank god I run to catch up with her but I see Frank.

"Dude where is she?"

"Went to the bathroom and yes I'm feeling fine"

"Sorry be right back."

I run to the nearest girl bathroom.

"Nicole you in here?"

"Yea." She says.

"Thank god I just ran half way around this hospital looking for you."

"Babe I would of been fine."

"Okay." I saw she walks out and washed her hands.

"You wanna maybe go to my house." I ask.

"Sure." She says with a smirk.

*2 Days later *

Nicoles P.O.V

Frank is still at the hospital so Gerard and I are there, with him after we had a huge chick flick marathon and  we all fall asleep.  A few hours later I hit gerard. He moans

"Come on!"

"Humm where we going?"

"Just follow me."

I lead him to the empty room.

"Wait we are going to "do it " in a hospital?"

"Only if you want to." I tell him

"Um of course !"

I laugh I lock the door and I feel him behind me lifting my shirt up.

Gerards P.O.V

She no longer is wearing a shirt, but her breasts are still covered  by her bra. She is wearing the one I bought her 2 days after the concert in her home city. The black lacecy one.She pushes me onto the bed and sits on top of me. She slowly undos my belt and pants.I soon am just in underwear.

I flip her off of me.

My turn.

bring it!

I rip her bra off and grab her breasts, you can hear the slight moan that escapes her body.  

Wait she said I  feel bad for frank.

Okay fine I say as we get dressed. We go and sit next to Frank's room untill she falls asleep on me.


I wake up to a bunch of people rushing in to the room and a loud buzzing sound.

"Mrs whats happining?" I ask the lady running in to his room.

"Its a code."

my face goes blank.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now