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I pick her up from the passanger seat bridal style.


Two nurses run over right away with a bed. And my baby girl Nicole is now sobbing.I run with them until one stops but the other keeps going through the doors.

"Sir you are going to have to stay back here okay."

No that's my fucking girlfriend!"

Sir please."

No let me see her!"

How about this if we are not done within an hour timespan you can get dressed up and come in."

Fine just hurry the fuck up."

I go and sit down in the crappy waiting room. Not many people are here except an old lady, a little kid with his mom and an old alcoholic. I look down at myself and I'm covered in blood.And its only been 10 minutes.I get up and ask if I can use the phone.And the secretary never even looked up but gave me the phone. I diall Franks number.


Zach and I were very confused when a lady came running and pounding on our door. But we answered it and said it was an emergency and if we could just let her in. Zach told her to come in and he gave her a bowl of ceral and coffee.

"Frank come her for a second."

So I listened and we walked from the kitchen down the 2 steps in to the dinning room.

"Thats Nicoles mother."


"Yes now that means her father isn't far behind. So lets.."

He was interputed when the phone rang je walked over and picked it up


"Zach,Gerard Nicole has been stabbed is her mother there?"


"Okay tell Ray and Mikey and Alicia and can you as Frank to bring me a shirt of his."

"Yea sure thing okay bye to you too."

"We need to go, go call everybody tell them to meet me at the hospital okay."


I gave him a kiss on the cheek grabbed Nicole's mother and ran to the car. Driving to the hospital as fast as I could.

Gerards P.O.V

45 minutes thats how long I've been waiting I think to myself. I start to pace across the tile on the hospital floor and I count to myself. 1.... 2..... 3...

"Gerard way ?"

"Here, is she okay, is she dead, is she going to be healthy?"

"Slow down sir."

"Okay sorry."

"Yes she is okay, and thankfully the fetus was not hurt at all ."

"Oh thank god, wait what? Fetus you mean baby right!"


"Does she know?"

"She is not up yet."

"Can I go see her, how far along is she?"

"11 weeks approximately."

We walk to her room. Where she is sitting up.


I say running to her side embracing her.

"I'll give you two a moment."

"What does she mean?" She laughs

"Hon, there is no easy way to say this  but.."

"What I'm not like pregnant or dieing from a cancer I never knew about."


"Oh my god!"

"Yea." I say looking up

"I'm dieing!"

"No baby your pregant."

Help me think of baby names think of one I like and I'll give you credit in the story thanks guys hope you like it so far.comment vote and tell friends shanks you guys my first 1 hundred views!

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now