no more

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I flip the car around and drive back to Frank and Zach's house.Why did she say that she knew where she was going. I rush past the stop sign and the grocery store. And make a right, the huge stone house was in my sight I pull in the long drive way. I run out of the car.

"Frank,Frank,Frank!" I scream.

Zach and Frank both coming running out.

"We already called the cops they are on their way."

"It's going to be okay don't worry about anything."

They both try to call me down but right now nothing is going to work. We all try to call everybody Like Ray and Mikey and Alicia, before we count to ten they all are over. And not long after that the cops show up, we all drive over to my house which isn't far away but we don't have time to walk. When we get there its question after question. Finally the sergeant tells us all good day and I close the door.

"Nothing more to do then wait." Ray says.

I listen to Ray, they soon all leave.

"I can't be in the band anymore. I'm sorry guys."

I kept on practicing trying to put this in the perfect way. I can't though, 12 perfect memorial years I was with these goons.And I've lost the one goon that was the love of my life. And I can't keep playing and singing until she's found. The sadness and guilt kept building up. Finally I leave the bathroom.

Nicole's P.O.V

I was right when I said they weren't going to feed me again. 3 days they didn't give me anything and I soon ran out of the small slice of sandwich. No one even came down until the 4 th day.  I wake up quickly, the baby moves which means it's not dead.


"So that so called boyfriend reported you missing."

"Gerard?" I say in nothing more then a whisper. He still loves me, I knew this the whole time.

"They are going to get far in looking for you because of your dumb ass mother."

"What are you blaming me for now?" She yells coming down the rackity old stairs. She makes her way down and in front of me to figures are fighting and screaming.

I am still lying down on the bed when I feel as if I just gotten my period, they are paying no attention to me so I sit myself up and make out blood and lots of it. When all of a sudden I have horrible cramps.Contractions.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now