The Intruder

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Mikey. I tried to say then  I started to cry who could it be. I felt someone grab my arm and I squealed. Frank hurried and threw his hand over my mouth ,seeing it was just Frank I realized that I made a huge mistake. There was no sound in there Frank got up to go check and I heard a loud pop or in this case a gun. Mikey told me to go under the bus. I listened and went over I saw him pick up a huge stick it was very thick. And he went around to the other side of the bus and  I heard to men grunting and heard one of them fall It was my dad. I hurried and took the gun that was in his hand. I saw Mikey bleeding on his head. I dropped low to be next to him.

"Go find Frank I'll be find."

"Are you sure?" I say between cries.

"Yes Now GO!"

I still have the gun in my hand I remember my Uncle once coming to live with us and him being a cop and all wanted me to know about guns. So I do what my mind can think of. I take off the safety and check the barrel and pull out the magazine I have about 12 rounds left. Okay more then enough. I'm in the bus I dont know if anybody else is here so I walk slowly. soon I here a groan I flip around to see Frank on the ground.



"Oh my god Frank!"

He was shot in the side and was continuously bleeding.

"Frank stay here im going to get some towels." With my adrenaline pumping I pick him up and place him on the couch. I  run to the little bathroom and grab a bunch of towels. I apply preasure to the wound. Zach then comes running in.

"Oh my god what happened ?"he screamed

"My dad my dad my dad!"

"I'm going to go get help okay?!"

"No go take care of mikey!"

Frank I'm going to go get help Zach will be fight right outside with Mikey. I'll be back.

so I hope you like it so far kinda of a cliff hanger read on

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