a new mother !?

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"What... but . ugh we used a condom!"

"Something must of happened."

"But I'm only 18 but what about my dad?"

"He will not ever touch this baby do you understand me."

"Yes. But I'm not ready to be a mother."

"Okay so do you want an abor..."

"No. I can't do that either."

"No lets keep it are you sure you want it though."

"Yes I will love this baby just as much as I love you."

He leans over the railing of the bed and we kiss. I thought that I would never kiss him again, his beautiful face and gorgeous hair and. But my thoughts were stopped when the gang walked in. Alicia dropped her phone and her purse to hug me.

"I thought you would be gone."She sobbed.

"Well I'm not,you still have me for a bit longer."

One by one they came and gave me flowers balloons cards candy all of that stuff.But one person was missing. My mother.

"Where is she?"

"They had to take her in for questioning."Frank said under his breath.

"Oh my god what am I going to do my poor mother!"I sob.

It will be Okay they all say.

I hear the door starting to open. "Mom!"


She runs over to me and hugs me.

Hope you like it I already got 200 views it makes me so happy thank you all love you all little killjoys don't forget to give me baby names shanks:)

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