The hospital

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  I remember being hit on the head with something hard and my mother screaming.That was it ,when I  woke up I was tied to back of the chair. In the dirty car. Moving was not a option. It just hurt to bad.

   Usually I would be trying to get my hair out of my face but now I don't have any. That's right all my hair down to my bottom shoulder. Gone, now its red and to my ear. I wonder how I look. All the questions of my new appearance is in my head when my mother unlocks the cuffs on my wrist and tells me to get out. I listen I could run away now but I need to see how the baby is doing.

  My father walks behind me making it look like he's helping me walk.He's not he is just making sure I don't run away. But while he is doing this my mother runs ahead to get me a nurse and a wheelchair.

"Help help my daughter is having contractions!"

The nurses ran out and grabbed me and threw me gently into a wheelchair. Both my parents were forced to stay behind. This is my chance to tell them.

Gerard's P.O.V

Bandit 3 years old. My baby girl is growing up. I call her back.Nothing. I run to my laptop and search up her name. Lindsay Ann Ballato. 7319 Glenn trail. Without thinking I hop into my car and drive. Of course I have no clue where I am going. That was always Nicole's job. At a red light I grab my phone and search it up.

After a while I find it. Looking at her beautiful house where she lives with Tony that Guy from peirce the veil. He picked her up right after we broke it off. I couldn't find it in my heart to go knock until a little girl with dark hair came to the window and waved. That's why I got the courage.


"Mommy I got it!"

"Baby girl wait." Lyn-z yelled to her.

"Hell...oh. "

"Hi Bandit!"

"Daddy?Daddy? Daddy !! I missed you so much!"

"Baby me too! Now let me talk to mommy for a second okay?"

"Okay daddy!" She said running off.

"Lyn-z hug or to soon?"

"Hahahah come over here you probably need some good boobs on your chest!" We laughed and hugged we weren't the couple who hated each other we really are friends.

"You mind if I take her today? I haven't seen her for over a year and I missing everything and.... "

"Stop take her you need her and me and Tony want a night out."

"Cool! Thank you so much!"

She went up stairs and was getting a bag ready.

Nicole's P.O.V

The nurses took me back in for examination. I took my pants off and they did what they need to do.

"So do you know the sex?"


"Well do you want to?"


"It's a.... girl! congratulations! "

"Oh my God!"

"Miss before you say anything more I was abuducted from my house with my boyfriend Gerard way My name is Nicole.Nicole Tanner. You need to help me the any was punched by my father and I need to know if its okay but you need to calmly get the poilce.He has a gun in his shirt do not tell him anything okay."

"Sweetie we know we already called the poilce that's why we are going to get you out of this room and in to a different so they won't know. Its going to be okay!"

It's going to be okay. Those words, I haven't heard them in a while.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now