the pain of deaths

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There were so many gun shots and screams and yells that I wanted to die and just get it over with.I mean its not like we went to a lady parts doctor or anything like that. 

We went to a emergency center at the end of the street. So you name it those People were there old, babies, adults, teen, kids everything.

And all of them were in trouble because of me. It had to of been at least 10 minutes since laney left me hiding. Me being stupid I rose up.

I grabbed a needle.I don't know why its not like it would save my life or anything I think it's just because I needed a sense of security. Its not like I have ever had it before. No. That is a lie when Gerard and I were dating and when Zach and I....

Zach oh how I miss Zach and Frank and Ray an Mikey and Alicia.. they are my nearest friends in the world and knowing that as I wall down these halls I put myself in a place where I may never see them again.

But I needed to save those people. But my baby girl what about her? I ask myself protect me lord I prayed. And we all know I never pray.  I'm so close to the action that everytime a bullet escapes the gun my ears begin to bleed.I peek behind a corner and I see many people injured but as I scan the room who do I see dead with blood from there head gushing out ?

Laney my heart stops. But it's not as bad as my reaction to all the blood on Gerard as he holds a tiny fragile little girl to his skin pushing into her chest.

Gerard's P.O.V

Bandit was fading.The light behind her eyes were almost gone. I began to sing to her as I held her tight thinking this us going to be the last time I hold my baby girl. Alive.

Baby mine, don't you cry

Baby mine ,dry your eyes

Rest your head close to my heart never to part

Baby of  mine

Little one when you play

Pay no heed to what they say

Let your eyes sparkle and shine

never a tear

Baby of mine

Then to my surprise she softly sang with me.

If they knew all about you

They end up loving you too

All those people who scold you

What they do just to have the right to hold you

From your head down to your toes

Your not much goodness knows

But you are precious to me

Sweet as can be, baby of mine

We finally stopped singing I whispered to her softly "I love you Bee."By that time she was not breathing easily.

I looked up right in time to see my girlfriend jump on her fathers back and stab him in the neck with a needle and grabbing his gun when he fell on the floor. She shot him once in the arm.

"That's for raping,beating,and neglecting me as a human being not to mention YOUR DAUGHTER! "

He screamed in pain.

"This one is for ruining me and my life for ever!" She yelled as she shot him in the thigh.

"This ones For shooting all these innocent people and children!"

She began to pull the trigger when a cop told her to stop. She did as he commanded. She dropped the gun.

And stood still looking at me with tears in her eyes. The nurses grabbed my Bandit from me.  I knew she was in good hands .

And before I knew it I had Nicole back in my arms having the best kiss ever.Knowing that things were going to be all right. Till her father shot her in the back. Great my daughter now the love of my life. Really dude now I'm going to kill you.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now