Our little tent

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Nicoles P.O.V

Frank screams and I start to die with laughter,

"I'm leaving before I scream again."

I grab Frank by the collar and wrap my arms around him.

"Why dont you hug me like that?" Gerard said in a joking way.

"Like what? Wait gerard are you jealous?" I laugh.

"NO!" He said.

"It seems you are."I said with a grin.

"I am not."Gerard said crossing his arms.

Frank laughed. " You guys sleep tight."

"You too!" Gerard and I said in unison.

My sight was still on Gerard, Frank opened the door, and walked on out, closing the door gently behind him. I crept my way to the ground, slowly my knees and hands inched its way on the floor, coming closer and closer to him.

"Well Gerard, if your lying to me there are going to be consequences." I say smirking at him.

"Really like what? "He smirks back.

"Oh horrible things!" I say over exaggerating the horrible.

"Really? I doubt it." He said trying to keep a straight face.

"Oh you shouldn't, just ask Zach with what happened to Frederick." I say still crawling over to him.

"Whos Frederick?" He said laughing.

"My dead ex boyfriend." I say laughing. "I'm just joking."

         When I finally make it to him I duck the blanket hanging from the chair. I lean in and kiss him, a short little one, but sparks still fly.  I move on to his lap and sit there as we watch The Nightmare Before Christmas. I lay my head on to his lap when I feel a large buldge coming from his pants.

"Someones excited!" I say looking at him with a smirk.

"Shut up!" He blushes.

"I'm just messing with you." I laugh, I sit up a bit and begin to kiss him, this time its way more passionate, I reposition myself. I sit on his lap facing him. Gerard reaches for my robe strings and began to undo them, soon he had the two sections floating away from each other, I moved my hand down to his belt buckle and began to unlatch it. Gerard took his hands and massaged my breasts. I become flustered and nervous.

"Stop!" I say pushing away, covering myself.

"Baby I'm sorry did I do something wrong?" He said, looking at me in a worried way.

"No I just .." I say trying to find the right way to explain it.

"You're a virgin?" He blurted out.

I nodded my head. "I am."

"Baby, this is entirely up to you, if you don't feel comfortable then tell me and we will stop. Don't make yourself feel obligated to. "Gerard said holding my hand.

"I want to I'm just nervous."

"We'll go slowly."

"Wait you mean you still want to do it with me?" I say shocked.

"Of course I love you!" He said the words flowlig off his tongue like that's all he had ever said to me.

I stood their with a shocked expression on my face.

Gerards P.O.V

I said I love you to her, what if she thinks that I'm going to fast-

"I love you too." Nicole says with a smile on her face.

"Really?"I now say shocked.

"Yes of course!" She and I laugh.

I grab her by the waist I pull her into me.Her  body against mine feels like a nice warm shower but better because this one has boobs and a nice butt. We don't do anything really except kiss she then says she has to go to the bathroom. She rises and the moon is the only thing shining. She picks up her robe to cover herself. I hurry and ordered a bottle of champagne.I hear the room service knock on the door. I grab my pants and put them on on the way to the door.

"Hi Mr.Way here is the champagne."

Almost as soon as I give him the money Nicole walks out and drops her robe. So there is my girlfriend naked in front of this 19 year boy.

Nicole P.O.V

I don't remember if I screamed or not. But all I know is that when the room service guy said I dont think I should be getting her tip I was ready to kill . I fell to the ground picked up the robe and ran to the end of the hall. I heard Gerard take the bottle and slam the door on the guys face screaming screw you.

"Baby I've never seen your body with the lights on." He said in a nice calming way, but I was still fuming.

"Stop I just was butt naked in front of the room service guy!" I yelled at him.

"Honey can you please shut up and kiss me! So what if he saw you?" He looked at me with a pouty expression, I grabbed his face and kissed it.  I pounced on him making us fall to the ground. He brought bavk my robe agin and rolled his tongue over my nipples bitting at them.  He slowly moved his fingers over every inch of my body. He finally made it to my belly but skipping everything and going to my feet. He took his fingers and moved up my calf. Soon he nibbled on every inch of my body, he kissed and sucked leaving marks to show he was there. 


We woke up a few hours later. He rolled over to look at me. I don't know how we did it, but we were able to move our bodies to the bed.

"Morning. " He said as he placed his hand on the curve of my butt and pulled me in.

"Morning!" I say as I kiss him and roll into him.

"Baby I gotta get up and ready for the practice."

I move closer into him with my best puppy dog eyes.

"Are you sure?" I say blinking my eyes and looking at him with a sad expression.

"Yes sweetie I'm sure." He said kissing my forehead.

"Fine." I say as I roll away from him.

"Baby!" He rises up and crawls over to me. "Baby dont be mad at me."

"Why not?" I say crossing my arms.

"Because we're in love." He said kissing my nose 

"Fine." I say as I raise up and kiss him on the cheek.

Gerards P.O.V

I push myself off the bed and make my way to the bathroom.

"Excuse me I have to go to the bathroom." Nicole says pushing her way into the bathroom.

"What just happened?" I ask her.

As she closes the door she never did lock it so I just walk in, and shave I have a feeling that this will go all right.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now