I'll find you

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He moaned his stomach hurt like crap. Maybe because that is the 6 bottle of whiskey you've had in 2 days. He thought to himself. I gotta find her and bring her home he thought to himself.Nicole what happened ? Oh I remember, I gotta her stupid ass mother pregnant at 17. Had to take them in and treat them like royalty. I told her mother or maybe I didn't who the fuck cares. That that whore had to be a good child but no she was never. That  were the end of those thoughts as he hit on his breaks. Where could she be he thought to himself. He went all around searching.


He stopped into the local bar/strip joint a dancer came her way over. He knew the rules about no touching them but as he slid a dollar bill he may or may not of grabbed a handful of her delightful looking breasts.

"Come with me. "She whispered

"Give me a second." He breathed back.

The bartender was careful making his drinks. She took her time untill 10 minutes later he then got very angry.

"Bitch! I need some one to give me a fucking drink."

He then got even more angry  and threw his drink at her. Marching out and through the 10 dollars on the ground. And while walking made him angrier and angrier.


Might as well go home make jess fix me dinner and play around with her for a little bit. He thought to himself smiling .When all of a sudden a girl who looked exactly like Nicole walked into a huge bus. What the hell?!

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now