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I was rushed to the back of thef hospital and hid under a pile if "clean", clothes.

She contacted the front of the hospital telling everybody to make way. Before she left to go to the front to help I stopped her.

She was a very pretty older lady , with blonde (non dyed ) hair with barely any make up, but even if she was as ugly as Frank's bad toe I asked her.

"How did you know."

"Your face, I'm the sane women that helped you when Frank Iero came in.  Remember?"

"Oh.My.God. Yes thank you so so so much."

"No need to thank. You just hide." She said as she walked away.

"Wait what's your name?"


"Thank you Laney."

She looked back and smiled as she ran down the hall. But before she left she gave me a radio and told me to only use it for emergency. Well my whole life is a emergency or an accident at this point its still a mystery.

Gerard P.O.V

I held Bandit for a while. Then she broke the hug and turned around and said to Lyn-z that she loved her and missed her already. She is the cutest thing ever. After she said her fairwells I picked her up in buckled her into her carseat.

"Daddy can you turn on radio Disney?"

"Sure thing baby."

Baby mine was on from Dumbo and she sang every word.

"Baby you remember this?"

" I remember some Guy singing it to me then I fell asleep."

"That Guy was me.When I didn't have to go on tour that's what I sang to you."

"Really? ??"


"Hold on bee got to take this."

"Okay." She said really quietly.


"This is Charles from CAPD we know where Nicole is and we have her mother and father we have not got her yet but Shes safe."

"Th..an.k you I .. don't know what to say."

"Just get here."

He said and hung up.

"Daddy who was that?"

"Bee we have to go to the doctors, hold on okay ." I told her as I hit the gas pedal and ran to the hospital. When we got there I got out and went to the back.I looked at the car seat tried like 70 different buttons frustrated and in a hurry grabbed the whole car seat out of the car and sliding Bandit out gently. "Be quiet okay Bee?"

She nodded her head and I walked in pulling my hood up and going to the frount deal makeing it look like I was talking about something different.

"Hello my name is Gerard way and this is Bandit way Nicole tenners boyfriend why do I need to do?"

As she told me the plans I heard police. run into the building sending her father to grab the gun out of his pocket shooting everywhere.Even at Bandit.

Nicole's P.O.V

I heard gun shots something that I had already got accustomed to. I heard screams and fear. And if I think so myself I swear I heard Gerard scream my baby but who knows there was alot of noise it could of been anything.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now