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The happiest day of my life. I thought to myself my father and mother are in prison laney is born and 3 months old and we found out Lyn-z was doing drugs so we won the custody battle for Bandit.

I am the happiest person and there is no doubt about that. I am in the most expensive dress because my boy.. Husband. He made sure. 

I walked out of the bathroom.Alicia and Frank walked out of the hall and Mikey and his girlfriend Sarah walked down a few seconds later. Ray walked down by himself. I asked Zach if he would give me away. What did he say?

"Baby of course I will."

We walked down There was Gerard in his tux. Smiling and blushing. I felt my face become hit and I smiled and looked down. We were at the top of the church. The priest said his things then it was time to say ours. I went first.

"Gerard Authur Way. I would like to start my vows off with Thank you. Thank you for loving me when no one else would. Thank you for saving me from my depression, my father and my past life.You are my best friend, my love, the father of my daughter and you have given me things now one else could. You have made me the happiest person in the world. And I can't wait to enjoy the rest of my life with you I love you with my heart my brain and my heart again. Gerard way thank you for asking me to marry you. Love Nicole xoxoxoxo "

Gerard P.O.V

Have you ever seen a grown man cry? No. Well everybody in that church did. Her vows were beautiful, it was my turn. The only thing going through my mine was. Don't screw this up.

"Nicole Sage Tanner I love you from your short red hair to your awkward long toe. From your brain filled with memories and jokes to your feet filled with the miles you have walked. I love you, you have given me a daughter and are now the step mother of my first born. You make me laugh and you make me sing my heart out. I never knew that I would be thick in love with somebody. But I am. I love your voice and your eyes and everything about you thank you. Thank you for saying yes most importantly. But I promise you that no matter what I will treat you with nothing but love, happiness and care. I love you Nicole. Gerard xoxo"

After we said our vows we left the church to party. When we got their we got drinks and we danced the night away.It was happiness all around.

I was having some drinks not alot but it was an important night. I went to the bar and saw a guy sitting there.

"Hi. You bride or groom."


"Oh how do you know Nic?"

"I'm her brother."



So you may be wanting to kill me right now but guess what that's okay. Because guess what There is going to be another book!  Surprise! !! Thanks guys for reading my first ever book on wattpad! I love you guys read the next one just keep a look out on my page okay love you you guys! signing out my little killjoys ~smarty1221

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now