Zach and Frank

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Zachs P.O.V

"Frank she wont even answer my text or calls."

I said on the bed in the hotel room.

"Babe they are both mad at us what can we do." Frank yelled from the kitchen.

"Hold on I got a text from her."

I dont want to do this over phone, so can you please just go down to the starbucks across the street.
See you then.

"Hey I'm going to go to starbucks you want me to bring you back anything?"

"Black coffee please."

"Sure thing bye babe!"

I say as I head out.I beging to walk when I see Nicole in front of me in the hotel hall.




"I thought we were going to meet up at starbucks."

"Well we can walk and talk."


She says.

"Why didn't you tell me any thing?"

"Remember when I was there. When Frank was shot and Mikey hurt , I came that way to tell you but I saw Mikey and ran to help."

"So you where going to tell me?"


"Ouch!" She said as she walked in to the door. We both begin to crack up.

"So you still mad at me?

"No you still are my best friend."

"That's good!"

As we walk in we order our drinks and sit down we talked about everything. Gerard and her , me and Frank , and how it all became and how happy we are. After about an hour and a half we get up to leave.

"Oh I have to go grab Frank some coffee."

"Gee wants some too thanks for reminding me haha!"

After we grab the coffees we walk back when we get to the hotel we stop and hug for a while.

We scream I love you when walking away . I'm so happy.

Franks P.O.V

"Jamia I did love you,  DID!"

"You fucking bitch how could you?"

She screamed smacking him.

"You broke my heart, for once I was happy!"

"You only loved me for my money."

"Shut up that's a lie and you know it!"

"I'm sorry Jamia but we are through."


She picked up her purse and walked out making sure she slamed the door.

I sat down on my bed when Zach walked in. He sat next to me and stroked my hair. I began to cry. He then pulled me in for a deep hug. Kissing my neckand  my ears  down to my nose. He kept rubbing his hand on my belly. Making me giggle.

"Baby that tickles!" I say

"Haha I know!"

"You're adorable!" He says to me.

I slowly pull him in for a long kiss. When our lips meet its sparks nothing like Jamie . We pull away and turn on the tv and he hands me my coffee.  I soon fall alseep in his arms.


I woke up to the phone ringing.


"Frank. Its gerard I'm sorry."

I hope you like it so far I have big plans for this story comment your favorite part so far xoxox my little killjoys


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