the stories

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"Mom are you okay?"

"I'm fine."

"What did the police ask you?"

"Just what he did to me and what he was planning to do."

"Just! that's important stuff mom

I know ,mom look... I begin to say before I turn around and give everyone a look including my boyfriend. They all walk out of the tiny room. I pat my bed motioning for my mom to come sit.

"Mom, I have some good and some bad news."

"Baby anything you tell me is good news."

"Well.. I'm kinda.. pregnant."

"Really!! Wait your only a baby yet."

"That's the thing Gerard and I are in love and this baby is bringing us closer together and."

"Stop. This is important that you know I'm not angry I'm just surprised. But the most important thing is that we keep it away from your father."

"I know."

"Baby I'm really excited for you."She said as we hugged. I forgot how much I missed her comforting hugs. I yell for them all to come in.

*A few days later*

I stayed in bed for almost 6 days.I got a lot of get well cards since my chemical romance is so big and all the fans know we are dating the sent me some. They all made my day so much better. I had stale food the whole time and had to get an IV in by some nurse who didn't know what she was doing. But I can at least catch up on my sleep. When I wake up my mom is in bed with me on my left and Gerard holding my hand.I squeeze his hand a little bit he smiles and opens his eyes.

"Hi baby."

"Hi." I whisper

My mom gets up and goes to the bathroom.

"How do you feel?"


Hahah he kisses me one last time before he gets up. I fall asleep again.When I wake up no one is in my room and all my stuff is gone.

"Helloo..Hello... hello?"

I get up a little to fast I grab the movable IV bag. I run out to the creppy hospital hallway.


No answer I walk faster to the Corner where the secretary waits.

"Hello um I'm in room 657 and all my stuff is missing where is it?"

"Hun your yummy boyfriend took it you are discharged."

"Oh really?"

And as soon as I say that Gerard. walks in.

"You ready to go home."


He walks over to me and helps me walk back to the car?

What happened to our little red lady bug?"

First of all it was a mans car not a ladybug."


And I got rid of it to many bad memories."

Where is my mom?"

At home I gave her the guest bedroom on the first floor."

Oh okay hey can we go to

Mc. Donald's please."

haha yes he says as he shuts the passanger door. He hops in to the car and slams the car. We drive to Mickey D's and eat in the car. We listen to music and drove through the long way. I place my hand in his.

"Don't you ever think my hand was made for someone's else's?"

"Haha yea but mines already taken by yous"

"You are so chessy!" I say hitting him in the shoulder.


We finally get home.He grabs the whiskey bottle and usually I would want a sip but the baby inside of me can't have any.

"Can you not Gee?!"

"Sorry babe."

"And that's not good don't start that again I say riping the bottle from his hands."

"Why did you do that?"

"Gee calm down."

"You bitch!" he says grabbing a vodka and slaming his butt on the couch.

I hope you all like it so far. Real quick me and my friend are writing a new story it will be on my account its a drama,horror,and romance /comedy.When we get it going if any of you want to read it I can send you it on Kik so yea smarty1221. Kik me baby names and an ideas comments or anything else even if you wanna just chat I'm good at chatting haha love you all! !

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now