a vest is the best

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She was shot in the back. Then after I saw that he took the gun and pointed it to his head. Another shot. But this time to the ceiling.The cop knocked him in the back making him fall to the floor.

My attention went right to Nicole who is lying on the floor bleeding.

"Baby I love you."

"I love you too!"

She said as she sat up very fast.

" W-what the Fuck?!"

"Called fake blood and a bullet proof vest. Next time don't mess with me."

"You mean to say that you have been missing for 2 months then when you get shot at and fall to the ground you were just acting?  YOU BITCH!"I screamed.

Grabbing her and pulling her into me for a long hot kiss. Oh how I missed her. I went to cup her face but I felt something weird. The end if the hair.

Nicole's P.O.V

He made me whole again with his laugh and his sarcasm I love him so much it's not even possible. He took my hands and looked me in the eyes.

"Baby.Will you marry me and be the girl of my dreams and the mother of my daughter.And the reason I live please?"

He said as he pulled out a ring.Most girls would say my mothers how lovely. Nope not for me. He pulled out a box and handed me the box. And before I opened it I told him no.

"No you couldn't ask me because if you ask your unsure and I am positive that you are already mine."


"Ha.Ha.Ha Yes baby."

I closed my eyes for the longest time as we kissed. When we stopped I opened the beautiful box.


"Gerard Fricking way!"

I screamed.He was already half way down the hall. I followed him. I stopped by him he was looking into a room.

"You know that's rude to do? "

I said as a joke. With out looking in, and this is why I call myself a retard it was bandit. Tubes upon tubes,on her little body was a horrible sight to see. The doctor came up behind us.

"Gerard way?"

"Yes, how is she doing?"

"Better, you holding her to you saved her life and you made her stay awake. With your singing."

"Wait how do you know --"

"She told us. She is very chatty. No need to worry a few weeks here and she will be fine."

"Can we go in?" I asked.

"Yes." The doctor replied. Taking us in to the room.

"C-ccan I touch her?"

"Yes daddy I'm awake. By the way who is that girl?"

"Daddy's new wife."



"That's pretty.  Thank you by the way."

"For what sweetie?"

"Making my daddy happy."

"Oh honey, he has made me happy long before this."



Guys this is the last chapter the next one will be the after math of this chapter we all knew it would come to a end. But I really need to thank you all you have made me so so so happy Almost 800 reads. Thank you for reading for voting commenting. I love you all I'm going to be writing a new book its going to be funny,  humorous and will make you laugh. (hopefully) again I love you all messeage me if you want tell me how you liked the book. One more after this signing out killjoys ~smarty1221

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now