Cancer maybe

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Frank I scream."Nooooo!" The doctors try to hold me back.I hear silence and before I know it I black out.

"Sweetie , gerard!"

"Huh what happened?"

"you blanked out." Nicole told me.

"How is frank?"

"He .. He ....He."

"NOO! "

"Sweetie, he is not ... dead."

"Thank fucking god !"

"He is though.. being tested."

"For what !"


Flash backs of when we first met run in my head. Almost like that Christmas story thing by Charles Dickens, with the past, present and future.That is what happened in my head.The doctors tell us to go and  they will call us in the morning with the news.

"So you wanna go to a hotel?"

"Babe I dont even care."

"Okay then."

She said to me. We went to the hotel across the street. We soon checked in and got a room on the top floor.We walked in not anything we are used to but who cares. I tell Nicole that im going to take a shower.

"I'll order some dinner then."

She says .I hop in the shower. To me there are 3 diffrent type of people in this world, the people who think at night in their beds, the shower and the toilet . I'm diffently the person who thinks in the shower. And while I'm in there all the stuff that happened to me today just really hit me hard.

Nicoles P.O.V

My poor baby I think to myself. I open up the pizza box to grab a slice when I hear sobs.

"Hun are you okay?"


He says running out.

I hold him into me crying with him.

"What am I going to do?" Gerard asks.

"Honey who knows, Frank is super strong and he is in love he is going to be okay."

"No he's not he has fucking cancer!"

I begin to cry even harder. I get up and walk to the door.I walk out and slam the door and leave with the keys in my hand.

"He doesn't have to take it out on me." I say to myself.

"Nicole don't leave me please baby!" He screams.

"Just leave me alone."

"That's the thing I can't I'll go crazy without you and right now I need you more then .." I dont let him finish as I run up and he cathes me and we kiss.

"Baby that was beautiful now walk me back in there let's eat the pizza and watch a movie okay don't bring up anything about well you know."

"Sounds like a plan stan!"

I laugh ,maybe just to hid the pain I'm actually in because of everything that's happing.But whatever.



Ding ding ding. I roll away from the warm beautiful creature sleeping next to me. And shut off the alarm.

"Babe wake up."

"Huh..oh morning" She says rolling closer to look at me.

"How did you sleep?

"The best I could" I replied

"Aww baby!" She said as she kisses me on the forehead which makes her move up. So I got a good bowl of boobs in the face for breakfast.She slowly moves away.

"I'm going to get dressed." She says

"I dont care." I respond ,she makes her way up and moves the covers. Wearing her little PINK underwear and my blink 182 shirt that barely covers any of her butt. But do I care? Not one bit. I lay on my back and look at her walk. I hop up and hurry into the bathroom with her. I scare her when I pop my hands around her waist and pull her in for a kiss. "Thanks babe."

"For what?" She asks.

"Everything!" I smile and laugh.My phone rings we look at each other for a quick second before we race to it.


"Hi is this Mr.Way?"

"Yes ."

"We got the results early this morning but waited to call you."

"Oh my god its bad isn't it!"

"Well not as bad as we though, in fact it was just a small bleed around the liver. That looked liked a tumor. But don't worry we fixed it and its all good now. He even has his boyfriend with him."

"Thanks tell jamia I'll be there soon."

"Oh thats what the young mans name is?"

"Man?" I asked.

"Well over course!"

Hope you like it so far thanks again to my wonderful editor.  Hope all of your hoildays thingys go well xoxox my lovely killjoys♥

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