the dark room

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Black black everywhere. Cold floori with no light.I feel shivers all over me.Crrreeck Oh my God someones coming I feel my heart beat with every step they took.

"Hello sweet girl, did you miss me?"

My father turned on a light I finally saw the room and him.Both were dark only diffrence was that he had dark clothes and the room was the walls.

"I see you got knocked up,he love you?"

"Why do you care?"

"Okay bitch listen here." He whispered leaning close in to my face his hands making me look at him.I remember those hands. I remember when I was 5. 5 years old and that was the first time he ever touched me, he told me to move over on my bed. I did I loved him at that time the same way all little girls did.

"Honey you wanna play a game?"


"Okay we have to be quite though so we don't wake up mommy."

My flash back was but to a close when my face tingled.

"Bitch answer me for the last time!"

"Yes and at one point I loved him."

"So no more little baby virgin, we are going to play a game okay.Its called miss."I was confused what can he mean?I don't feel good I can't be touched right now or ever again.But I quite thinking about all this stupid stuff when he hit me.In the stomach.

Gerard P.O.V

My baby is out there I scream at Zach.

"I know we are going to find her met me at the police station okay!"

Flashbacks. That's all that happen on the way to the police station

Flashbacks.Of everything I've done with her 6 months, 6 months I loved her,6 months that I needed her almost 3 months that I knew she and I were creating a family.Together. But all of that ended I loved Lyn-z but when I think of that, its nothing like what I hav.. I stop myself what I had. Emphasis on had.I stop my thinking and begin to break down and sob.Sob over her and my little baby.And what could be happening to her.

Nicole's P.O.V
"How do you like that you little bitch?"

"Sto..p ... please."

Again and again and again over and over the beating of my unborn child.I never really believed in God but man did I pray. I prayed for my child.For my life, for Gerard. Even though I hate him I still love him. Finally he stopped. I felt him throw  something at my feet. Shaking I pick it up, A quater of a sandwich. I take two small bites and save it under the pilliow. Because knowing him he wont feed me the rest of the week.

Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now