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This can't be happening. I'm only about 5 months. I make myself calm down. These feel like period cramps except 40 times worse.

They are still yelling at each other. And trying to block them out is in possible. Maybe he or she is just moving lower little by little. I'm thinking of all the possibilities when all of a sudden a huge one comes. By accident I yelp.

"What's wrong baby?" My mother says as she rushes over.

"Get away from that little bitch, it's good she's in pain.After all this is payback for all the pain she caused you when she ran away."


"No buts!"

"For once listen to me! Go to the drugstore and grab red hair dye and clippers now go!"

All my life I have seen my mother been pushed and shoved in life,for once she took charge. Then I woke back up from talking to myself. Red hair dye. Clippers. My long beautiful brown hair gone. But.. my mother is going to take me out of here.To the hospital. Maybe.Just maybe I can get out. FUCK! This hurts.

Gerard way P.O.V

When I woke up I was on the couch. With Jack Daniels in one hand and a empty pack of cigarettes in another.

I quickly turn over and pick up my phone. 48 voicemails. I look through them nothing important. Except for one,  it's Lyn-z.

Gerard it Lyn-z you problably already knew that but I have heard about your new girlfriend that you knocked up, have you told her about bandit yet or did you forget to.Anyways I hope you find her. No matter what you are the father of my child I will have room in my heart. Call me back. Bye.

I always thought she knew already. But what if I can't tell her that will be the only secret I would of every had from Nicole. Oh Nicole I think to myself I miss you so much. When the phone rings. 440-799-3452. Who is that I pick up out of pure curiousity.

Hello this is Mr. Sharma. We may know the location of Nicole. We have gotten the tire tracks....

Nothing mattered after he said they may of found Nic.

My baby will be back in my arms and I can feel the baby move again. Or walk in on her talking to he.Or she. Or how excited she got when we passed a park and she saw all the little kids. Or her warm,loving kisses. And when she was fast asleep how she would move in and kiss my forehead and whisper I love you softly. Soon I think to myself.

"Hello? Hello? HELLOO! Mr.Way you there!"

"Yes I'm here. So you know where she is?"

"We might."

Hope you like it so far! Message me with baby names.Or tell me how you like it sorry its short next one is going to be long TRUST ME ! Love you all -smarty1221 signing off my fabulous killjoys

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