What man

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"Who do you think it could be?" I ask her.

"I'm still confused because Frank never said he was gay."

"That's the thing he always tells me everything but he never told me this."

"Maybe its just his dad or something!"

"I doubt it."

He retorted . We drove to the hospital in complete quiet. As soon as we got there we walked down the hall. I put my head in the door way of Frank's room . Man was I suprised.

Franks P.O.V

"Oh my god Nicole."

I say as I pull away from the amazing kiss Zach and I were sharing.

"Zach!" She cried "How could you not tell me!"

"Sweets I did." He tried to tell her.

"Just stop." She pushed him away, and ran.

Zach followed her leaving me and gerard alone.

"Soo."He said.

"You and Zach how long?"

"1 week."

"And you didn't bother to tell me."

"But I tried but I was dieing."


He said and rose up from the spin seat .where Zach once sat.


"What do you want?"

"Us to be okay."

"We will  when all the other stuff you hid comes out ."

"But !"

"Just don't."


I walked out and saw Zach pounding at the door.


"What the fuck Gerard?"

"Just shut the hell up!"

"Do you have a problem with me and Frank?"

"No I'm just angry at Frank."

"Baby come on out."

Nicole comes out with her face all red.

"Zach we were best friends

"Were?" he said worriedly.

"Were." She said and walked away.

I hope you like it I hope all of you have a merry Christmas. happy new year all that good stuff.I wanted to mix it up and  it not all just be about nicole and gerard so we are kinda not really but the next chapter switching it up with zach and Frank signing out my little killjoys ♥♥


Gerard Way, and Me. {My Chemical Romance}Where stories live. Discover now