Chapter 5

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The next day, me and Blaine walked to school together. Oh holy Jesus, he is so hot.

"So Kurt, your audition for glee is today. What song are you going to sing?" Blaine asked me.

"Defying Gra-"

"I LOVE THAT SONG! Your going to kill Defying Gravity!" We both laughed and looked at each other while we were walking.

Later on that day, it's my audition. I walked into the choir room to find about 10/11 people in there, and a Man standing up front.

"Everyone, this is Kurt Hummel." The man said as I waved to everyone, some waved back and some just glared elsewhere, but Blaine winked at me and gave me a good luck sign. I began to sing, I saw one girl gasping, a few were laughing and the others were listening, Blaine was listening. After I sang, everyone clapped, even those who were laughing.
"You are 100% in! You have a killer voice! My name is Mr Schuester, just incase you forget." Will said, he was the man. I got to meet everyone but I saw that girl I met on the first day, Rachel her name was, the goth. I walked up to her.

"Hi!" I said as Rachel's head lifted. "My names Kurt! What's yours?"

"M-m-my names-"

"Shut it avatar." Said Tina. "Kurt doesn't want to know your name."

"M-m-maybe he-" Rachel was interrupted again.

"Shut up! No one likes you!" Tina shouted as Rachel ran out the classroom. I wanted to run after her, but it's my first glee rehearsal, I didn't want to miss any of it. I sat inbetween Tina and Blaine. Tina seems to be one who makes the setlists, she thinks we should do a duet of her and Blaine and then she thinks I should have a solo. I'm all for solos, but not when I've just joined the club! I need to say something about this.

"Mr Shue!" I said as I put my hand in the air.

"Yes Kurt!" He said as everyone now stared at me.

"I know I've only joined the club, but I have an idea for our -" I said until Tina interrupted.

"We have already decided our set list!" Tina shouted.

"Let him talk." Blaine said as I smiled at him, he winked back.

"Go on Kurt." Mr Shue said.

To be continued...

[A/N: just like I said in my other book, I'm sorry I haven't been updating much, I've been very busy with my coursework so it's been hard to do both. If I don't update , I'm sorry💔]

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