Chapter 28

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'Hi everyone! My name is Blaine and in here to talk to you about Kurt Hummel, Kurt is a nice young lad who is the most loving person I know. He is caring, hard-working and brave about who he is. It doesn't matter that he has cancer, it makes him stronger. Stronger than me, and that's saying something. I love Kurt, I can't help it that I'm in love with him, I have been ever since we met. His eyes are like crystals that shine in the sun, you can't get tired of looking at him. You never worry if he's smarter than you because you already know he is. I love him, God I love him, I'm so lucky to love him. We don't get to choose if we get hurt in this world, but we do have a say in who hurts you. I like my choices, I hope he likes his. I love you Kurt, if you survive, I have a surprise for you.'

I'm crying right now, the fact that Blaine loves me is the best thing I can ever get. I hug Blaine, he starts sobbing.

"I love you." I whispered to Blaine.

"I love you more." He whispered back. After that, we watched our 'maybe last' movie together, we watched Titanic. After that, we got ready to go.

"You ready honey?" Carol said to me as I looked at Blaine.

"Ready as I'll ever be." I said as me and Blaine held hands and got in the car.

[A/N: sorry this chapter is v v short!]

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