The Hunger Games, Cato's story

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There are two days until the reaping. It is 2:00 in the morning, and I have been tossing and turning all night long. The thought of the reaping excites me too much. I have been training for years, for the hunger games. I can only hope that I will be chosen this year. I am 18 and it is my last chance, my last hope of slaughtering helpless victims.

I finally fall asleepand dream that I am in the Hunger Games.A very small boy kills me by throwing a knife into my back from a tree. I wake up, my heart pounding. I do not like the games as much, but still enjoy the idea of the slicing and dicing with all the blood spatters everywhere. Suddenly I am sickened with myself. I just watched my myself die and I am thinking of this. I shake the thoughts out of my head and focus once again on how I am going to get into the games.

I sneak downstairs, only to notice my dad staring down at me and my mother with a tight smile. She reaches out her arms, a cookie tray in them. The cookies read: GOOD LUCK WITH THE REAPING. I smile back, and start out, only to find a large hand on my shoulder.

"You are going to need these." My father says. His serious face turns into a smile from ear to ear. I take the bowl full of the slips with my name on them.

Once I get to the stage where the reaping is, I sneak behind where all the other names are and pour 50 of mine in. I am sure that I will get chosen, because I am in District 2, not in the loser districts who have to put in more of their names to get food. I hear voices laughing and look up to see a girl with long, bright orange, curly hair down to her butt heading my way. She has a terrible outfit on. The girl walks with a plain man who has a gray beard and a fat belly. He is the mayor, and I am not sure who the girl is. She must be his new assistant, Milli.

I hurry home, to hear my mother weeping in my sister's room. I go to see what the problem is. I run up the stairs, tripping over one, and burst through the door. When I walk in I gasp. My mother is lying on the ground bawling, because my sister had been murdered. She has a hole in her head, her wound flowing with blood,staining her pillow.

"It must have been a Peacekeeper," My father says.

"No!" my mother cries. "this can't happen! This can't happen! Not my sweetheart! Not my little Raindrop!"

I go over to my mother, taking slow and careful steps, trying not to fall over the mess. I grasp her with my arms, and hold her tight. My mother had always called my sister Raindrop, and I do not know why. Her name was Pearl, she was only twelve.

After I have gotten my mother to calm down, I clean the house for her. I fail at making her dinner, so I run to Sillia's Restaurant and pick up my sister's favorites. I am not hungry, so I go straight to bed.

tomorrow is the reaping, I think. I have to get picked, with all my names in there. And if I don't, I must act fast to volunteer.

With that thought in my head, I finally fall asleep. I dream the worst dream I possibly could. I dream of my sister. She is wandering around, dirt and blood covering her face. She must be in the Games. She has two jackets on, so she must have killed someone her size. She is still cold, and she is grabbing herself to keep warm. Behind her I see two faces watching her. A leg pops out from behind the tree, and she falls. One of the two, the boy, picks her up by her arm. She grabs her belt with the other, pulling out a knife. She thrashes around, trying to get the boy, and an arrow flies through the trees and hits her in the head. She falls limp and the boy lets her go, letting her fall. I wake up with a scream. I dig my head under my pillows, letting the tears fall. I have to admire the two who killed my sister last night, for being so willing to spill blood when needed, but I hate them. Then I realize I have slept in, and the Reaping starts in an hour.

The Hunger Games, Cato's story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now