Chapter Twenty-two

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hey! My new HG fanfick has only had 6 people read it! I worked really hard on the first 3 parts and think that that book is better than this one by a long shot! please please read it! This one will be really really good when they get into the arena! It will be really intense!!! Please read it!


I wake up to the sound of my sister giggling. I haven't seen her sense I stabbed Peeta. I pull the blanket off of me and place it on Clove, and carefully get up, trying not to wake her. I walk slowly to Pearl, rubbing my eyes and dragging my feet as I walk. "What are you doing?" I ask tiredly.

"What do you mean?" She giggles.

"I mean, why are you haunting me?" I groan. I don't know if this is considered 'haunting' because she hasn't tried to hurt or scare me.

"I'm trying to help you Cato." She says then disappears. I turn to walk away, thinking that she is gone, but I hear her voice again. "Where are you going?" I turn in a few circles, scaling the area, looking for her. She giggles and I look up. She is in the tree she was just swinging around. "Like right now. Something is going to happen. They are going to set a trap. Don't jump to conclusions big brother." She says before she disappears again.

"What?" I ask, thinking she will pop up some were again. I get no answer. "Confusing..." I mumble to myself. I have never been a morning person. I walk over to Clove but don't climb back in because I take note of my surroundings. The sun is out and bright. I look up toward the sun and it looks like it is noon. "Noon!" I scream quietly at myself.

I bend down and shake Clove lightly until she wakes up. "Yes?" She asks.

"We all slept in." I say. He eyes get wide and she jumps up. I turn around toward Hunnu, I kick Marvels head purposely, causing him to jump up and try to cut my leg. All that happens is that he puts a scratch in my boot.

"Thanks Cato!" He screams. I roll my eyes and walk over to Hunnu's tree that he always sits by. I shake him up and he reacts very fast.

"Why didn't you wake us sooner?" He shrieks.

"I just woke up too." I tell him. He nods once and walks over to the supply pile. I walk over too and pick at some grapes and cheese I put in my bag the night before. Clove eats the bread. We just sit here for a while when Marvel notices the smoke.

He points to the trees. "Fire!" He yells. He looks at Clove and me and smiles. "Lets go!"

I look at Clove. "Think its a trap?" she asks.

I nod. "Should he come?" Marvel asks and points to Hunnu."

"No, he needs to stay here and watch the supplies." I say.

"But what if it is a trap! Then we will need him! We need him to come." Marvel yells. It makes me mad that he wont ever listen to me and I yell back.

"Well I say he needs to stay! So he is staying!"

"He is coming!" Marvel screams.

Cloves turn, "Cato is right Marvel! If we are all gone then someone could easily take our food! Like the girl from five!"

"He is staying!" I add.

Marvel folds his arm, angry. "Fine." He snaps. I pick up my sword and a few spears. Marvel grabs some spears too. I am guessing Clove already has all of her weapons, because she doesn't grab anything but some apples and dried beef strips, and some lunch meat.

We run into the woods. "I swear I will kill her! I will! I swear!" I scream. Marvel screams and laughs to that. When we get into the the trees I pull them to the side. "You two promise me this. If we catch her together I kill her. If not, you don't let her go easy. Make a good show for the Capitol... Promise!"

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