Chapter twenty-nine

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Her eyes are Clove. Fierce and strong, but kind. Her brown eyes watch me in hate, in agony, like she was programmed to hate me, to destroy me. The fur is the same dark brown color that I remember it to be. The metal colar around her neck has a large 2 on it, decorated in hearts, this makes me furious. Her giant paws pace back and forward in the dirt, waiting for me to fall or become vonerable. I realize that I have stopped breathing when I gasp for air. Clove pulls her lips back and exposes her sharp teeth, a horrible growl escapes her mouth, a terrible, scary sound that makes me shiver. 

"Clove." I whisper. I foolishly reach my hand out to her and she charges at me. She leaps forward and gets only six feet away from me. Her teeth snap trying to get to me, a loud bark rings in the air when she starts scratching on the metal cornucopia. She tries climbing it, tries getting me, to rip me apart. I throw myself back and stare at the beast that used to love me. I start breathing very fast and I can't stop. I can't think straight. I can't even see correctly. This is because I finally realize that the girl I love, my Clove, is gone. She has slipped away. Gone forever. 

I hear Katniss and Peeta scream and I look up. One of the wolfs has gotten Peeta by his leg. Katniss pulls him up and they lay down. Katniss starts pushing on his leg, applying pressure to the wound. It's Katniss' fault that Clove is dead! That she is like this! It is all her fault! Let's see how she feels when her lover is taken away from her! 

I crawl behind them and Katniss looks to her left and realizes that I am gone. She looks back at the wolfs and continues applying pressure to Peeta's leg. I stand up quietly and gain my balance. I reach out my arms and grab Peeta by his neck and arm, quickly yank him up and drag him to the side of the cornucopia. Katniss already has her bow positioned in my direction. 

"If I go down, he goes down with me!" I yell. She considers this and lowers her bow a little. Peeta is struggling in my arms but he is not very difficult to hold. I am so furious that Katnisd got Clove killed! I tighten my hand into a fist and push hard againts Peeta's throat, cutting off his air. Katniss has figured out what I am doing. I will kill Peeta right here, then lunge at Katniss, knock her down, to the wolfs, and watch her die. I will then go home to my family and friends.  

I will get to see Loxy and Billy again! Get to throw parties in my new house in the Victor's Village. All of my nieghbors will be former victors! I will have all the money I need and use it for whatever I want! I will have the life of a celebrity and will be able to travel from district to district as I please! I will get over Clove and find love somewhere else! What was Loxy saying? Didn't she tell me she loves me? What am I saying? Nobody can replace Clove. I will go home and find life without her. But I AM going home. 

What is he doing? Peeta is using all of his energy by making an X across my hand. Why? Katniss raises her bow slightly. Right towards my hand. My bare hand, that has no armer. The second that I know what is coming, it is too late. Katniss has realeased her arrow and it has flown into my hand. Blood squirts everywhere and I throw my arms back. I stumble for a second and regain my balance. I may not be able to use my left hand, but I can still kill them both. 

This is what I think... Until Peeta shoves me backwards with his shoulder. 

My armer and I crash into the dirt and I am instantly being attacked by large mutts. They all swarm around me, trying to get past my armor. I reach and grab my sword, I pull it out and start swinging away at the wolfs. I kill one of them, the girl from Six I think, then another and another. I have killed four of them before I get to my feet. I make a mad dash for the Cornucopia and I am grabbing the edges of the metal when Kamberlee leaps on top of me and rips my arm off. I let out a horrible sound of agony as my flesh is torn away from the rest of my body. There is a very large pool of blood already made, and the wolfs come and lap it up with their tongues, enjoying the taste of my flesh. 


I am sorry that this is so short! The next chapter will be short too, and then the prologue should be normal! Thank you guys so much for reading my book! I will start working in another HG Fanfick when this book is done. It will be called... "Punishment. A HG Fanfick". You should all read it, I will let you all know when the first chap is done! :D

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