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What will death be like? I have asked myself this question at least two million times in my lifetime.

But now, I am faced with the answer. It is in me. Death is. Death is all around me, tingling and flicking at my senses, showing itself to me. But I still do not know the answer to that question. I still do not know what death is like.

I stumble on things I do not see, because everything is black. "Hello?" I cry out, "Is anyone out there?" The thought of being alone for all of eternity frightens me, so I keep looking for someone, anyone to talk to. Someone to explain things to me. I keep walking, and stumbling until I do find someone. More than one person actually.

They are all young. They youngest look around eleven and the oldest, twenty four. They all look angry or sad, none of them happy. I take a step back to go look for somebody else, but then I change my mind. I have seen these people before, I recognize almost every single one of these people, and who else am I going to find? It has taken me what feels like years of wondering to find them, who else is there? I take several steps forward, and I seem to feel anger rise up in me. Memories flood into my head. Memories of the games. Of the Capitol, and Rue, and the arena, of pain and loss, wolfs, and Clove. I remember it all, and these memories seem to be pulling me toward the people in front of me. I start to run towards them, feeling the anger rise up in me as I do, but someone stops me. The person sprints in my direction and throws them self on top of me.

I flip over and throw her off of me. I can tell that it is a girl now, by her shape and size. The anger I am feeling is giving me incredible strength and throwing the girl off of me, felt like throwing a kitten. I stand up and start walking toward the crowd of people again. She jumps up and runs toward me again, she grabs on to me and screams my name, "Cato! Cato no!" She screams. I instantly stop at the voice. I look down at her and smile so big it cramps up my jaw a little bit. I run my fingers threw her blonde hair and scoop her up off of the ground.

"Pearl." I whisper. She doesn't smile at me, but instead, she looks worried. "What's wrong?"

"Cato, you cant go in there." She tells me.

"Why? That is the only place that I can talk to people." I say.

"Cato, those are Hunger Games Tributes that cannot move on. You cant go in there, once you are, you will never come out and you will be living in sadness for all of eternity." She whispers.

I look around and almost immediately understand what she is saying. They all wear some sort of tribute clothing for survival. They all have wounds from their games, some small, and other sevier. I look down at my own body and notice that I have started bleeding lightly, in multiple spots, all over me. If I keep going what will I be like? Torn up chunks of me. All I wanted was to escape the pain I felt, I don't want to feel it for all of eternity. I recognize some of the people in here, the little boy from Four, the boy from Seven, Glimmer and Marvel.

"Glimmer, Marvel!" I yell. Pearl covers my mouth with her hand. The two that I called for turn to me and smile big.

"Cato! How are you bro?" Marvel laughs.

"I see that you died after all Cato. How?" Glimmer asks mischievously.

" Gamemakers sent wolfs to him." Pearl tells them. "We will be leaving now."

But they are too fast, Glimmer grabs my shoulder, and Marvel grabs my neck. Glimmer only has a few tracker jacker stings on her, which is certainly a difference than how she looked last time I saw her. Marvel has a small hole in his neck that drips blood occasionally. "It must have hurt, because you are only a few feet in, and you are already so bloody!" Glimmer laughs.

The Hunger Games, Cato's story (Finished)Where stories live. Discover now