Chapter Seven

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I wake up for the first time on my own time. I look to my right, and Clove is asleep next to me? I guess she snuck in when I was asleep. To much for her to handle in one day. How is she going to handle being in the arena, having people trying to kill us every day. I grab her hand above the blankets, wrapping my fingers around hers. I think I just lay there with her for about two hours when she starts to mumble. "The---the---the kn---knife--was al---ways----------" Always what? I wonder. "---was--alwa--ys------good..." I feel so bad. She trusted Milli, she told me that on the train. That she had to trust someone. Everyone liked me more, and wanted her dead. Milli was different. She thought that Milli wanted her to win, so she trusted her. She was wrong. She starts to get up, and I kiss her on the forehead.

"Just go back to sleep... Have good dreams." I squeeze her hand, and walk out after she goes limp again. I walk slowly down the stairs, feeling a bit dizzy. Not slow enough. I fall and slide down four steps. I decide to just scoot on my butt down the rest of the stairs. It probably looks ridiculous, a huge 6"4 guy scooting down stairs on his butt. Oh well, too late now. As soon as I get downstairs, Kinsel and Lauren bump into me. They have two suits in their arms, one red with black strips down the sides. It is a body suit, but Kinsel is also holding a pair of shorts with red strips down the sides. Lauren has a dark, purplish-reddish shirt, and a pair of black sweats with a purple-red stripe down about half of the right leg, then going up the other half on the left leg. In their other hands are a pair of black tenna-shoes, with the color of the opposite color other than the black. Blue for me, and red for her. These are the nicest training clothes I have ever seen. "I will take those. Clove is in my room."

"Why?" Kinsel askes me. His voice is weird. It has a District 2 accent. I wonder how he got into the Capitol?

"I don't know. I just woke up this morning, and she was in my bed passed out. Probably didn't want to sleep alone after yesterday." I tell him. He nods, and I take both outfits and start upstairs. I trip a few times and decide to crawl. When I get to the top, I look down. Kinsel's eyebrows are creased, Lauren has her head tilted, and her eyes are widened. "I am dizzy." I give them a sick face, and turn back toward my room. I crawl on my bed, and tickle Cloves face lightly. Her face scrunches slightly. cute! I give her a kiss on her cheek, and her eyes flutter open. "Training day."

Her eyes widen, "And they let us sleep in?!"

"Apparently." I stand up, and pull off my shirt. I pick up her clothes off the ground, and toss them next to her. I pull on the blue shirt, to find that it has a little two on the sleeve. I exchange pants, then look at her. Her stomach  twists into a skinny red mark that stretches across her belly.  Her re-make crew jumps in quickly.

"Before you put that one, we need to fix this..." I don't know any of their names, I forgot. One of them holds her down by her arms, and the other by the waist. The third puts a powder on her stomach. She is struggling to free herself, I feel bad for her re-make crew. I thought I struggled. What? I put my foot out so I don't have a needle permanently damaging my skin. Or I yell because they turned my eyes red. Well I was wrong, I don't even put a dent in things. She is like a dog getting a shot at the vet. Her eyes go black from anger.

I go over and push away the two holding her. They only makes it worse. She pushes away the girl with the powder, and I put her in my lap, and grab onto her. "Calm down Clove, calm down." I plead. She loosens at my touch. The girl goes back to work. I literally see the red stripe go away. She relaxes even more when the girl backs off and goes away. Usually they don't have us wear makeup to training. But when she puts on her body suit, I see that it has a hole from the left half of her back to her left side of her bellybutton. "You need to calm down with your re-make crew!" I could have said it calmer, but I didn't.  To late to change it anyway. "They are trying to help you win sponsors."

"I never resist. That brush thing has spikes in it. They put a healing cream into my stomach. It hurts like hell."

"Okay." She pulls on her stretchy shorts. The shorts are like the body suite, but a different color. The red matches her eyes. And my outfit matches enough Lauren did say that she would work around them. I look in a mirror, and we are stunning. Even in training clothes, this is the best I have ever looked. I grab her hand, and peck her cheek. And we start downstairs.

We walk into the training center confidently. There is only three Districts in here. 1, 3 and 11. Three and eleven notice us at once, three looks up at us in fear. They are not Careers. Little... Rue,( yes! that was her name!) she smiles at me, and waves. I give her a terrifying face, she shivers a little, thinking I mean it, so I wink. She understands, and stands behind the big one from eleven. I walk over to him, Rue scurrying away, and ask, "What's your name?"

"Thresh..." His voice is shaky, he is questioning if he should talk to me.

"You are strong, would you like to be with the Careers?"

He shakes his head fiercely, "Ma and Pa told me that, that, that is a bad id-ea. That you will u-u-use me u-ntil you d-d-dont need me anymore, and you know my weaknesses, then you will kill me... I-I-I don't think I wa-want to d-do that..." His mumbling stutters are driving me insane! I think I am going to have to track him down and kill him too! People don't respect a big career!? Ha! They'll get it in the arena.

"Okay. That is fine, It is your choice." I lie to him, and turn around. That is not okay! Its not his choice! Well it is, but AH! I am going to kill his Ma and Pa! Nobody turns down the Careers! What the hell?! He is just some servant from District eleven... He is worth less than dirt, no, worse than that! I hate him! I will kill him and It will be slow and very pain full!

Clove is talking to District one. She turns around and steps over to me. She kisses me on the lips, but it is a warning to calm down, because when she looks at me, her face reads "warning" all over it. "This is Glimmer," she shows me a tall, slim, BEAUTIFUL girl. She has blond hair, and green eyes. I smile at her, and shake her hand. "Glimmer, this is Cato." She nods at me, and smiles back. "Clove, this is Marvel? Marvel right?" The boy nods his head. He is healthy, but small. He looks depressed, but exited. I don't know what to think about him, but I like Glimmer, she will kill who has to be killed. I can see it in her smile. Sexy, but wicked.

"So we will be playing the games with you then. And whoever is in four..." Glimmer tells me.

"I don't think that we want four this year... They will just slow us down." I reply. We turn and they are just walking in. "I will handle it... if you all agree with me..." They all nod.

I walk over to a boy around 15, and say it right of the back. "We are changing the way the games usually go, District 2 and 1 have decided that we do not want District four to be in the Career pack this year." I give them a smirk.

"You cant do that! We are Careers too! We have trained and everything! We are a part of your group!" The girl is screaming at me. I guess there is just another tribute I am going to have to kill.

"Oh, we can do that. You can always come with us, you will just die within the hour." I smile a vicious smile at them, and turn around, and walk away. I hear them whispering about how some poisonous food trick isn't going to work then... I made a good choice then. "They where planning on posioning us when we became a threat." Marvel nods toward me, then I notice Glimmers eyes narrow. I turn around to see District 12 walk in. My eyes narrow too. They are wearing matching clothes! What a joke! That lost some of their fire outfits status. How am I going to kill her? I notice that I will have to kill Peeta earlier than I thought. Because their arms are linking together, and their fingers intertwine with each others. He will protect her.

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