Chapter twelve

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"Tonight is the big night!"Ridonica bursts in to wake us up. What is wrong with this woman? "What do you want?!" I hiss at her.

"You guys need to get ready! Today is going to be so much fun!"

"What? Letting the Capitol know us before they slotter us like pigs?" She looks at me with sad eyes, and realizes I understand the games. "Give us twenty-five minutes." I say grouchily. She nods and walk out. "I hate that lady." I say.

Clove giggles then says, "How do you like her new whiskers?" Then puts her finger on my nose, and traces on my face were whiskers would be. I look at her face. Her small, blue eyes, and black hair. Her few freckles, I take a few seconds counting the thirteen on her face. Her full lips... she must have caught me looking at them, because she kisses me. She swings her self on top of me, and twists her fingers threw my hair. I grab onto her back, and she grabs onto my neck.

A little while later we are laying side by side, she is still playing with my hair, while I cuddle her, and kiss her neck. "I love you." I breath.

"I love you too." she giggles.

"I can't do this." I tell her.

She looks at me confused, "Do what?"

"The Games. Watch you die... if I do, I will have to kill myself." I tell her.

"No. That won't happen. We will live together in the arena, together, forever."

"Clove" I whine, "You know that can't happen, they have to have a victor."

She places herself on top of me again, then places a finger to my lips. "Shh, don't tell anyone that." Then she giggles right before our lips meet.


 We ate our last breakfast in the Capitol. Probably the last good breakfast I will ever eat. Yes. It will be the last good breakfast I will ever eat. But not Clove's. I had a feast of foods, hoping that I do not get sick like I did the fist day I ate Capitol food. I ate french toast, pancakes, eggs, toast, all sorts of different juices and milks... Clove was probably thinking the same thing, because her plates were piled. I had to carry her upstairs because she was so full.

When we were finally able to move, we were attacked by clothes. I had one a ripped sleeveless shirt, and dirty jeans with holes in them. Clove has on a t-shirt that rips up right above her belly button, and a short, ripped up jean skirt. Not our stylists' best work. We are probably going to get beat by District twelve again! "Who designed these?" Clove slowly asks.

"Of course it was Lourin and Kinsel! They design all of your clothes!" Oslin giggles.

"They aren't their best..." I say.

"Oh! But you both look... so... dangerous!" She says back.

"Okay. Whatever." Clove sighs. "Its just... District twelve is gonna have some outfit, that will set on fire. Or maybe... I don't know!"

"Yes. I know. That is why we went simple." Lourin says. Her and Kinsel just walked in. "We want them to do something extraordinary. They will have more sponsors. And that will help you, because you have an alliance with the boy."

"What about Katniss?" I ask.

"Who?" Clove questions.

"The girl. That means she will have even more sponsors. She has an eleven!"

"Yes. That is why we had the boy remember? To find the girl!" Clove is annoyed. My shirt is red, and Clove has a red necklace that goes ontop of her black shirt. Our eyes match. It is a good plan I guess, but it has a lot of flaws.

Clove refreshed me with all of her stylist's names. Missy has a dark purple hair, with shiny gold hilights. She always wears gold eye liner, that comes off the edges of her eyes, and makes its way to the side of her head. Caskin has lime green, spiky hair, and is always smiling (showing off his lip piercing). Barlin, well he is almost normal. Other than the little bit of orange in his blonde hair.

Caskin puts a hand on my back, and clears his throat. Barlin and Isekial stop talking, and the three girls all croud in. "This will be the last time that most of us see each other. Unless one of our tributes helps us win." Then he adds, "Which is very likely." Then looks at me. I look down. Laurin and Kinsel rush in, and hug both of us.

"You guys will do great. Remember your promise to each other." Laurin looks at us both sternly.

"We won't ever hurt each other." I tell her. I look at Clove. She will be this years victor. What will happen to her then? Will she be robbed of her dignity by the Capitol. No if that hasn't happened yet, it wont. Suddenly I think of Peeta and Katniss. I do not know what is going on between those two, but I sort of feel bad for them. But if Clove is going to make it out, they will not. What if Thresh hurts her? That wont happen. I will be there. We should set up a trap to have Thresh and Katniss run into each other. Maybe they will kill each other off anyway...

I haven't been able to get the image of Katniss out of my head. Her and the arrow. My sister dead. Is that her talent? I sure hope not. I hope she got that eleven by making the judges mad or something.

"Its time to go." Oslin and Adiesia tell me. They both lean in and give me a hug.

"I am sorry I yelled at you Oslin." I tell her. She nods and kisses me on the cheek. Last time I will see her. Thank you for not letting them give me a tatto." I tell Adisia. She smiles, hugs me again, then gives me a kiss and leaves. That is the last time I will see her. Isekial, will be tough. I havnt ever really talked to him. 

I just look at him. "You will do really well. Just remember, while you are in the arena, nobody is controlling you. You can do anything you want. I know exactly how you feel. Stylists aren't allowed to show any physical relationships. Me and Osline. She kind of crazy, but I love her anyway. You can choose to save her and kill yourself. Or go with your first strategy, and kill her with poisons. Or you can let the odds choose, and wait until the Gamemakers kill one of you. I wouldn't do that. If you wait to long. They will send something terrible after you. But it is your choice."

"Thank you." That is the most I have ever heard Isekial say. He leans in and gives me a hug. Then leaves. Last time I will see him.

I look over at Clove. She is grabbing Missy's hand. Missy would truly be beautiful if she didnt wear all that makeup. "I will miss you." Clove says.

"You too." Missy is crying!

"You will see her again. Don't worry." I raise my head as I walk over.

Clove shakes her head. "I wont let you do that."

"It is up to me what I do. And you are going to go home."

"No. You are." Missy gives her one last hug. Leaving. Now me and Clove are alone. Other than Lauren and Kinsel, but they will leave us alone.

"I love you, and I cant live without you. If I do win this, I will live the rest of my life alone, and sad." I kiss her, and I know how I will die after all.

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