Chapter Twenty-six

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Okay! This chapter is going to be very sad! Just a heads up... well most of it... Enjoy!


"Clove!" I jump forward and grab her arms. "Clove! No! Clove!" I shake her gently and pull her closely to me. I hug her body tightly and sob on her shoulder. "No no no no no no no." Is all I can say. "Clove...." Many tears stream down my cheeks staining Clove's shirt. I sit down and lay her body on my lap, I hold her in my arms and rock her back and forward. "No no no no no..." Why! Why did she have to die!? Why did Snow have to win! Why did I have to watch Clove die? Why did it happen!? Its all my fault too! If I just followed her and Katniss, not Thresh, she wouldn't have been left alone. Thresh wouldn't have gotten her... and if I followed her I would have gotten the pack back anyway! I hate myself right now! I grab Cloves head and cry very loudly, I put my face in her dark hair. "I love you Clove." I whisper. I sit here like this for several hours. Just sitting here, crying. Morning.

Another note falls from the sky, attached to a silver parachute, but I just look at it. I will not read it in a million years. I refuse to talk to President Snow until I am out of the arena. If I get out. No. I will never talk to Snow again in my life. Because I will not leave this arena without Clove with me. I keep telling myself this every time I reach for the note. But temptation wins. I reach out and grab the note, I hold it in front of Clove, so I can hold her and read it, it says: Cato. I will get you out of the arena for what you did. I will make sure you will survive. So you can live life in pain without her. President Snow.

I crumple the note in my hand and throw it in the bushes. "I HATE YOU!!!" I scream. I start combing threw Clove's hair and decide that it is time that she should probably go. Go home. Back to District Two. Berried in the ground, in a wood box. I will be laying beside her soon. "I'm sorry Loxy. I'm sorry Billy. I'm sorry Mom and Dad. I'm not coming home." I stand up, but bend back down to give Clove one last kiss, on the forehead, I turn away, letting go of her hair for the last time. I stand next to a rock and watch a hovercraft take her away.

That is the last time I will ever see the girl I love again.

I watch until I cannot see her. Until I cant see her freckled face. Until I cant see her long silky brown hair. Until I cant see the girl that makes my heart beat three times faster than normal.

I reach up to the spot that I saw her last and don't look away. "I love you Clove." I say quietly. I stand there, staring quietly until it get too cold for me. I grab Clove's backpack and put everything in my bag.  I pull out the sleeping bag and slide in, I feel so lonely in here without her. I lay in here,shaking, but not cold, I cannot feel my fingers or toes, come to think of it, I cant feel any part of my body. I am numb. I lay, staring at a rock for hours until I find sleep.

"Cato?" Clove's voice echos in a dark hallway.

"Clove!" I yell, I stumble forward trying to reach her. A small light shines, and I can see her small figures standing, the dent in her head gone. She is reaching toward me, but her feet do not move.

"Cato!" She smiles. I run quickly to her side, but I cannot grab her. She keeps getting farther and farther away from me. Katniss comes in from behind me and laughs loudly, making me jump. I turn to her, try to grab her, but I am now trapped in some sort of force field. I turn around and Thresh is standing next to me. Clove's smile disappears. Katniss runs over Clove and holds her still while she struggles. Thresh walks over to her, rock in hand, and smashes her skull again. Clove falls to the ground and Katniss runs away with Thresh. "Cato... Why would you do this to me? Why would you leave me alone? Leave me to die like this? Why Cato...? Why....?" Clove moans. I still can't reach her, I cant talk either, I can only watch Clove die, again.

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