Chaper twenty

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When I wake up the next morning I notice that it is really quiet. To quiet to be real. Marvel usually snores, very loud. There is no snoring right now. I look around, and of course, Marvel is no where to be found. I get up and walk over to Kamberly. I push her once, then realize I have never woken her up. She can be one of those people who will chop off your head in a matter of seconds without thinking of where they are and what they are doing.

I decide to have fun with it. I walk over to a bag of raisins and sit down about five feet away from her. I start throwing them at her, trying to get one in her open mouth. I laugh when one falls down her shirt. That's going to be a fun surprise for her when I finally do get her awake. I do this for about a minute with no luck, so I decide to just dump the bag on her from the tree above her.

I climb up and lay on the branch closest to right above her. I open the bag all the way and dump it on her face. She jumps up, furious. "Whats going on!? Who did this!?" She screams. I let out a snicker and she looks up.

"Hey." I say.

"What was that for?" She asks, still angry.

"Well, I have never woken you up before, and was wondering if you would stab me, so I did it from a safe distance." I smile at her.

"With raisins?" She shrieks. I laugh in answer. She shakes her hair, letting at least fourteen fly in different directions. She then looks up at me angrily. She bights her lip and says, "They are down my shirt." I start to laugh more until she gets them out, puts them all in her hand, and throws them at me.

"Ew!" I yell, but I still laugh. I swing around and am now hanging from the tree with both hands. I panic for a second, when I realize I am hanging right above one of Hunnu's traps. If I fall on it right now, the ground will collapse from under me.

Kamberly smiles and walks over to my legs. She reaches out to grab my shoe, and starts to fall. "Grab my foot!" I yell. She does, and we are both hanging here.

"What are we going to do? What are we going to do?" Kamberly panics.

"I am going to try to get a better grip on the branch, and swing until you can jump to the ground." I tell her.

She chokes for a second, I move my feet a little and she stops. "Sorry about that." I say. I just strangled her with my feet for a second! I start to pull myself up, not used to doing pull-ups with this much weight. I pull hard, and eventually get my elbows around the branch. "Okay, I'm going to start to swing. You ready?" I say.

"Yea." She cries.

I start to swing my legs, "One." I say, "Two," I swing my legs hard this time. "Three!" I feel her let go of my legs. When I hear the thud, I look over and find that she is safe. I pull myself up to hear a crack. My eyes get big when I realize that the branch is breaking. I get up on my feet and that's when it falls. I wait until it is just above the ground. I jump and stretch my arms out far. When I find the ground I am relieved, that is, until my feet start sliding backwards.

Something has my leg! It is pulling me down the hole. I feel another pair of hands, then a mouth. Something bit my leg. "Help! Kamberly! Grab your ax! Help me! Please!" I cry. She hesitates for a second, I am the one who pushed her friend out of the tree to the dogs. She finally makes her choice and grabs her ax, the thick heavy one.

She starts chopping away at a few, hitting my foot a few times. More and more seem to be coming and trying to get to me, to eat me. I bet the Gamemakers took advantage of our trap. After a little while I feel the pressure on my leg from the monsters is gone, and I quickly crawl over to my sword. I turn around to see something hideous.

There is no hair on their bodies whatsoever, it looks like their eyes have been stolen from them, pulled out as I would say. They can obviously see though, they have small spiky ears. They have normal human bodies, only much, much taller, and thinner. They walk on all fours though. Their skin is so pale you can see many vines popping out of it. Their mouths are almost always filled with a greenish slime, that constantly is falling out, landing on the ground, Kamberly or me. Every time we wound them, thick, brown liquid flows from their bodies.

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