Chapter Eighteen

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Pearl flutters threw the trees, laughing as she goes. "Come on Cato!" She pleads. I stand there too stunned to move. I finally do, and grab her with both arms. I lift her up and put her on my shoulders. I run around, diving and dipping as I go. Her laughter and cries of fun is like music to my ears. It is so good to play with her again. "Put me down, I want to show you something!" She giggles. I put her on the ground and she starts pulling me by my hand. "Come on! Come on!" She laughs.

"I'm coming." I actually laugh with her. That is something I haven't really done in a long time. She keeps pulling me until we reach a meadow. I gasp when I see Katniss and Peeta swinging on a rope swing above a pond.

"Its okay Cato." She puts a hand over my chest when I go to attack.I shake my head and charge forward. Right as soon as I reach Katniss, I feel a sharp sting on my face. I look around to see what it is, when there is another, and another...

I jump awake, now aware of what is stinging me. Tracker Jackers. They are genetically engineered wasps, made by the Capitol during the Rebellion. I grab my sword quickly and make a mad dash for it. I catch up to Clove and hear her yelling, "To the lake! To the lake!" Her voice is definitely scared, really high pitched.

Another sting, and another. I think I have four total. I notice Glimmer fall to the ground, shes gone. Tracker Jackers have a very deadly poison, and being stung to many times, will kill you almost instantly. If you do somehow live, the hallucinations are almost unbearable.

After about five minutes of running and stinging we finally get to the lake. I grab Clove and jump in with her, in my arms. We go under the water and a few try to follow us. But as soon as they enter the water, their bodies triple in size then explode, leaving the water around them gold. We hold our breaths for as long as possible, then come up.

As soon as we are up, we are attacked again. We dive back under and a whole bunch turn to gold water. After about six times doing this, they are all gone. We pull ourselves out and start walking back to the tree, soaking wet.

We walk for a little while, then I think of Katniss, of how she might actually still be there. Peeta starts to run ahead of me, water dripping from him, leaving footprints. We run for another five minutes before I hear Peeta yelling.

He is screaming his head off at someone... who? He is yelling for someone to go, to get away. Katniss! Lover boy just lost all my trust. I hurry over to him and pull out my sword. Everything is blurry, and I am really dizzy. I see three of Peeta and Katniss. Katniss is clutching Glimmer's bow, and has the arrows strung over her back. I look over at a nearby tree, and see Pearl. She simply points a finger at Katniss and Peeta.

I knew it! The dream! The eleven! Everything has to do with the bow and arrow! Katniss and Peeta are involved in my sister's death! Katniss' eyes widen and she runs off. Peeta turns around and I smile at him wickedly.

I throw my sword at his head, but he dives to the ground just in time. I pull back to stab him in the back, but he kicks the sword out of my hands. He throws himself up, on top of me. He throws his fist up and punches me a few times. When I finally get enough control over myself I send him flying into a tree. 

He grabs his knife and throws it at me. It cuts my arm and I am instantly bleeding. I look up at him and yell. I pick up my sword and grab him with the other arm. I push him onto the ground and say, "You let her go!" I take my sword and put it threw his upper leg. He should bleed out withing a couple of days.

"If you come back, or we find you any were, you will die." I kick him hard and turn the other way. I can hear him crawling away, all nine of his legs are sparkling and I am starting to see little creatures made of purple rocks come out every were.

I barely make it back to our camp when I collapse.

I dream of Pearl, and of Clove dying. I dream of the Tracker Jackers. The one dream that stood out the most, the most terrible one was about me.

I wonder threw the trees with my sword. I can hear Claudius Templesmiht's voice booming threw the speakers. "There are only three of you left... good luck." I wonder some more and find myself face to face with Pearl and Clove. No matter how hard I try, I cant stop myself from taking my sword to Clove. I grab Pearl with one hand and slowly cut Clove. I kill her slowly, but when it's Pearls turn I just stab her in the stomach and walk away. As I am walking away, I hear her singing her song. Her rain song. I just killed my Raindrop.

I am the last one to wake. Everyone has giant lumps all over them. "Were is Glimmer?" Marvel asks.

"Dead. I saw her body." I say.

"Where is Peeta." He questions again.

"I cut him badly. He went back and tried to help Katniss get away. I cut him bad. He will bleed out in a matter of days."

Marvel smiles at this. "Cato, I need to talk to you." Clove says. She grabs my wrist and takes me to a far away tree. "I killed Glimmer."

"No. Katniss did. She sent the Tracker Jackers on us." I tell her.

"No. I saw her cuddling with you last night, and I took the Tracker Jackers as a chance to get rid of her. I tripped her." She starts to cry.
"Its okay Clove. We are in the Hunger Games. You have to kill." I explain.

"I don't like it though!" She cries. I lean in and hug her tight.

"I don't either. I don't either." I say over and over again. I stroke her hair gently and wait. I wait for Katniss and Peeta.


Sorry this is so short! This is REALLY short! I just couldnt think of anything to add... plus, I have been at an amusement park all day, and I am really tired. Thanks. Again, sorry it is so short.

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