Chapter Twenty-five

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I turn almost every corner and catch a glimpse of a Hostile. I think we are in their, I don't know what to call it, a layer? Oh well, this is where they gather. I am not the most quiet guy in the world, and I am surprised we haven't been spotted. I finally think we have broken free of the area when I stop seeing them, and start noticing small and large animals.

"Only four people left to find. This will be harder than it seems Cato." Clove tells me.

"I know. I just want to get out of the arena." I say.

"Alright we can keep going." she agrees. We walk to the far side of the stream to fill up our watter bottles when I notice something strange. It is rocks stacked on each other, but one has an opening... I can see that someone tried to camouflage it, but that didn't work. I take a step forward but stop when I hear voices. I was expecting one person, and that person is the girl from Five. But she is smart, and wouldn't camouflage so poorly.

"Right before Prim dosed off, Lady licked her cheek as to give her a good night kiss or something." I hear Katniss say.

"Did she still have the bow on?" Peeta asks.

"Yea, I think so... Why?" Katniss again.

"Just trying to get the picture." I am a distance away, so I can barely make out the words. I jump back, startled, when I hear trumpets booming threw a microphone. This is probably Claudius Templesmith inviting us to a feast or something. I am correct. I look at Clove and she shakes her head. I nod in agreement.

"No hold on," Claudius tells us, "Some of you may be declining my invitation. But this is no ordinary feast. There will be something each of you need badly. For some of you, this is your last hope." the microphone shuts off and I turn to Clove with wide eyes.A fight starts with Katniss and Peeta about Katniss going.

"Wanna go?" I whisper.

"Might as well, there is two of us. This could be a chance to kill some tributes. Plus he said something about something we need. Lets go." Clove tells me in a hushed voice. I hear Katniss making her way out of the cave and Clove and I duck behind a large boulder. Katniss collects the gift opens it, smells, then tastes it and grabs some berries and leaves and mix it up.

"Lets go." I say when Katniss hides in the cave. She nods and we head back to camp. We pack the food we got that isn't eaten, and the sleeping bag along with everything already in our packs. We start jogging toward the Cornucopia, toward the feast. We settle down in some leaves and huddle together with our sleeping bag, and soon realize that it reflects body heat. We separate a little, allowing some cool air to penetrate into the bag.

"Love you, now go to sleep. I better keep watch until I cant anymore. Tonight is different, we aren't spread out, the other tributes will be here soon." I say. She nods and falls asleep instantly. I sit awake and watch the area with my sword in hand, I watch the Cornucopia as the girl from Five climbs in. Normally, I would go after her, but I am to tired...

When my eyes open the sun is high and there is a layer of sweat laying on my forehead. I curse under my breath for falling asleep on guard and crawl out of the bag. How long did we sleep? Well, it was around one in the morning when we fell asleep, and it looks to me like two. More than enough! That's for sure! I jump forward and wake Clove. I pack up the sleeping bag and pull out the groosling on my bag.

"We should eat." I laugh. She nods and grabs the bird out of my hand, this makes me laugh. We divide all of the food and supplies among our packs, and start eating the groosling. Even when it is cold, it is the best thing I have tasted since I have gotten in the arena. Yes, I have had groosling, but this just taste better. Probably with what is going on in my mind. I think about who I am going to kill, and how that will get us closer to home. I think about home, about Clove. About us being together.

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