Chapter six

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I have been sitting in my room for the past three hours thinking. Thinking about what the arena is going to be like. It will most likely have a lot of trees, for wood. They wouldn't want a repeat of one year that there was no wood. All the kids froze to death. Wast entertaining. There will be water too. No water. No murder. Kids all worked together one year to find water. They ALL died of either food poisoning or dehydration. Nobody was murdered after the first two days.Their will be a cornucopia, obviously. There will be animals, edible ones. There is no cannibalism allowed in the games. THERE WILL BE OBSTACLES. Not just the other tributes. But the Gamemakers. One year they sent a volcano erupting I am told, that was the year of the last Quarter Qwell.

Then Cashmeir walks in, the Gamemakers had her replace Enobaria. Brother and sister, Cashmeir and Gloss. Classics. "Dinner time. And we are going to watch the re-cap of last night... Are you okay?"

"No. I don't want to have Clove die."

"I'm sorry. I know how you feel. Sort of." Her and Gloss are the only ones I can really talk to about this. But I still don't want to talk about it. So I nod, and walk downstairs.

I have been here for almost two days, and the only thing I have eaten, was a couple sandwitches today for lunch, in  the lobby. There are servers every were, they all wear white. They are quiet and quick. One of them trips over my chair and falls. Luckily he didn't have anything in his hands. "Are you okay!?" Clove cried to him. She got up out of her chair, and pulled him up. "Did that hurt? Are you okay?" Milli's face looks shocked. "Whats your name. Here have these five dollars I found under my bed. I have no need for it."

"What are you doing!?" cries Milli. "Dont talk to him! You never talk to an avox!"

I glare at Milli, "And why do you have to talk to her like that!? She didn't know! She has never been here before!" Millie scoots back in her chair, and leaves. The avox is pushing away the dollar bill. I take it from Clove. "They cant talk, they did something to their tongues, they are traitors." I say it as sad as possible, so she know that I do not like it. "You may leave." I tell the avox, I slip the money into his back pocket of his vest, and pat it so he knows.

I look at Clove and she is crying. I have never seen her cry before. Only on the stage at the reaping, but that was only for a second. She is balling now. "I didn't know... I'm so sorry!" she covers her face, and runs up the stairs.

I look at Gloss and Cashmere, "Go help her." gestures Gloss. I run up the stairs, holding onto the rail, I can feel each time that my legs hit the other. I eventually fall, but catch myself on the stair in front of me. I walk into Cloves room, she isnt in here, or is she? I hear a shift some were towards the back of the room. I open up the closet and she is in the corner.

"Leave me alone Millie!" And she throws a hanger at me.

"Owww...." I whine. She looks up, her eyes widen at the sight of me.

"Im sorry, I thought you where-"

"Milli." I cut her off.

"Is everyone laughing at me?"

"No, they don't blame you for crying, it is sad, I don't like it. And the way Millie yelled at you! I really didn't like that." She give me a smile, I go over to her, and pick her up and carry her to her bed. I sit down and lay her next to me. She moves so her head is laying on my chest, so I put my arm around her.

"I hate it here." She starts to cry again.

"Me too. They aren't even thinking about what position they are putting us in."

"Its not that. Milli told me, that I will last longer, if I break our alliance, and kill you the first night, when you are asleep, then leave. I told her no, she slapped me! And then she yelled at me tonight. I have had enough..."

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