Ciel x Doll Pt.3 Lady Elizabeth

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Ciel woke up wllaying next to Doll. She was fast asleep and was very peaceful. He sat there and watched the little rise and fall that came from her breathing. He sat up and snuck out of the room. He went downstairs and saw Sebastian cooking. "Sebastion?" "Yes my lord?" "Make extra for Doll....she gets very hungry very fast...." "yes, my lord" And he got to work on extra food. 

Ciel was up in his office with a pile of papers he had to fill out, when he heard a small creaking noise coming from the door. "Come in." He said sternly. Doll opened the door and walked in. She wore a cold expression" thanks for the food." Ciel looked up at her. "Of course any honored guest would get what they required." Doll made a 'tch' noise. And ciel looked up from his paperwork "Doll I have said I'm so-" "ya ya I've heard the story.....a million times.....but....i realized that complaining and being mad at you about it isn't going to Change the past or make them more at peace." Ciel thought for a moment about what she was saying, and he felt the same way....well right then he did.

About two hours later the doorbell rang. Sebastion opened the door to see a young lady with blonde golden curls that goes by the name ' Lady Elizabeth '. "Hello Sebastian!" She smiled happily. "Hello Lady Elizabeth, please do come in." 

Ciel and Doll were in Ceil's office just talking about whatever came to mind. Until a loud shreak came from outside the door. "CIEEEELLLLL!!!" Ciel sighed as Lizzy opened the door and ran in hugging him so tightly to the point of death. Doll death glares Lizzy and sighs sadly. Doll got up and walked out of the room and sat down on her bed in her room.

Doll sat on her bed crying into her hands very lightly and quietly. 'I thought we had a moment....I thought he actually cared....i-i....can't believe it.......he kills my family then sweet talks me.....then....she heart can't take much more...' she thought to herself. 

So doll grabbed a bag and packed it full of food and water and clothes. She quickly jumped out of her window landing gracefully on the ground and leaveing the eastate. 

Note: Write in the comments if you want me to continue this story.

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