Undertaker x Reader

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This was a request from @updownandallaround Thank you for your request, and I hope it comes out exactly the way that you wanted it to. Because there wasn't any specifics for the story I kinda just did what I wanted with it. Also...still don't know if I'm doing tagging right 😝.

Of course the family business was important to you, and you wanted to do your best with making it go as smoothly as possible, but you had heard the stories. You didn't want to go, but you had to, because the driver of the delivery cart was out, and you had to bring in the next order.

What was the family business?


Lots of different kinds of coffins. Some made of oak, spruce, maple, even Japanese maple that got shipped over seas. Beautiful hand crafted coffins, and basic ones. Some for adults, nobility, women, children, pets, and many others.

And the Undertaker for London, needed a new shipment of them. But there was a problem, the delivery boy was ill, and you were the only one who was able to bring them to London.

But, you heard the stories. Of how people went in and never came out the same...of course he was an undertaker...but insane at that. You heard he killed live people just to dress and make them up while dead. And the thought alone made you shiver.

"It will be alright," Your uncle told you. "The delivery boy has been doing this for years and not once was he killed." he patted you on the back.

"Yes," you replied with a gulp. And soon you were off.

London was not too far from where the factory was, probably about an hour long horse ride. Which was perfect for quick business with the undertaker, but slow and painfully erie with you.

And by the time you had gotten to London it was almost sunset. So quickly you slapped the reins of the horses and you rode a bit faster to the Undertaker's shop.

You stopped outside of it and looked at it. Fear still shook you to the core. You got out of the carriage and gently knocked on the door to the decent sized shop.

No answer.

But then the door slowly creaked open, which made you let out a small scared sound. You poked your head in and finally built up enough courage to speak.

"H-hello?" you asked stepping into the small shop. "Is anyone here? I have a delivery for the Undertaker." You said gulping a bit.

You stepped in a bit further. And with each step the floorboards creaked and the walls ached. You gulped again as you passed by a coffin.

But then you heard the lid slowly peel off of it by itself. And you turned to see two bright green eyes staring at you. You screamed and almost fell over, until you felt a pair of hands reach out and wrap around your waist and wrist.

"My goodness dearie," he said. "I gave you a bit of a fright now didn't I." He chuckled.

"Yes! You did sir!" You said catching your breath and standing upright. You dusted yourself off.

The crazy man in front of you just laughed his crazy laugh and held his stomach. The whole situation made you feel very uncomfortable.

"Now, let me see those coffins." The Undertaker said rubbing both of his hands together.

You noticed how long his nails and hair was and wondered if he had even cut them in months. But you shook the thought from your head as you walked out to the carriage.

You lifted the tarp and pulled out a coffin and lifted it up.

"Isn't that a bit heavy for you little lady?" The Undertaker said grabbing one of them himself.

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