Alois x Reader (Just One Kiss)

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Being a demon wasn't all what you had thought it would come out to be. At the age of 15, you had made a deal with a demon who told you that your life would become better by writing a contract. And being that age at the time when you were so desperate for said yes.

But, just before the end of the contract a man by the same of Sebastian killed your...'friend'. And because of a condition in the contract stating if your 'friend' should die, you become a demon, and immortal.

You were not a natural demon. But one made by ancient magic and soul bindings. And then you were all alone. Still at the age of 15. But that was how you were going to be forever.

Until a man named Claude had found you wondering the streets at night with humans and reapers, you would do just that. And when finally he did find you, he gave you a work offer nobody could refuse. And besides, you needed something to do with your immortal life.

So now here you were a few months later, standing at the entrance of the Trancy manor, in a maids dress much like Hannah's. And quickly you had become acquainted with everyone. Now, being at the Trancy manor was like living in a kindergarten.

You had been there for a while, but you or Alois never spoke, nor looked at one another, because you were always out helping with the garden, or running errands, or other small tasks.

But today was a bit different.

"(Y/n), you have nothing to do go dust off the shelves in the library...and do be quiet Your Highness is in there reading." Claude said pushing up his glasses and looking as monotoned as ever.

"Alright." You said and grabbed a small rag, a feather duster, and a small bucket of soapy water. And soon you were off to the library, already dreading the run in that you would have with the boy.

You opened the big doors to the library and stepped into it. You looked around and placed the small bucket down and decided to start by dusting all the books off. And you did so.

With demon speed helping you out, the whole library was dusted in under 5 minutes. You wiped your hands off on your apron and once again looked around for the boy. But still he was nowhere to be seen.

Then you grabbed the rag and bucket and started cleaning off the displays in the library. You walked over to a giant globe that sat in the corner and started wiping it.

"ROAR!" Alois said jumping up in front of you.

Of course you had seen him before, but up close like this, was different. You could see more of his features and more of what he looked like.

You jumped a bit surprised by him.

"Haha!" He said in his high and mighty voice. "You got scared"

"Your Highness...," You said bowing a bit. "You startled me."

"No I scared you!" He said crossing his arms.

"Yes," you sighed. "You scared me."

Then there was silence for a moment before you went back to wiping down the globe. Claude had always said not to use your demon abilities in front of him. You had no idea why, but did oblige by this rule.

"Well, aren't you going to speak to me?" Alois said crossing his arms in front of you.

"I do not speak unless spoken to, your highness." You said. On the inside you wanted to scream and tell his bratty little royal but to leave.

"Good girl!" He said placing his hand under your chin.

Last time he did this to one of his female servants, she lost an eye. So you had to play your cards right.

"How old are you?" Alois asked tilting his head.

"15 years old your highness." You said trying to avoid eye contact.

"Look at me when I am speaking to you!" His grip tightened as he yelled. "...that is how old you are old are you REALLY." he asked again.

"15 years old your highness." You answered again.

"Ah, but you are a bit short for your age." He said getting a bit closer to your face. "Such a pity that you will never grow up to become a beautiful woman." He let go of your face.

Of course that thought has crossed your mind, but you could change your appearance at will. So every day since you had turned into a demon, you changed ever so slightly, so that in fact you were growing physically.

"Yes your highness." You said wanting to correct him.


Your head was now facing to the right. It stung, but went away very quickly, pain didn't really bother you anymore because you knew you couldn't die from it.

"DONT YOU LIE TO ME!" He shouted.

"I apologize your highness." You said bowing your head.

"But do you really?" He asked.

"I do." You replied.

"Prove it." He smirked.

"How?" You asked.

"Kiss me."

"Where?" You let out a small sigh.

"On the lips. Just one kiss."

You leaned forward and gently pecked his lips.

"Do you accept my apology."

"Yes," he said. "For now." He turned and opened the door to the library. "But next time," he started. "I will make you do more than that." He smirked and walked out.

And for the first time, since becoming a demon, you felt your face heat up, and you felt flustered. 

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