Grell x Reader (We Need To Talk)

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You sat at your desk drinking some tea and going over a few papers. Being a female reaper sucked. Mostly because of having to stay at your desk all day long. You sighed and stamped off a few papers.

Then Grell ran in crying and throwing her arms around being all dramatic again.

"(Y/N)!!" She shouted and ran over to your desk with tears staining her glasses.

"Yes Grell?" You said in a sort of annoyed voice, when he ran over he knocked all the papers off your desk.

"Bassy was so mean to me today! But I did manage to get some sexy pictures of him doing sexy things!" You sighed and stood up picking up some papers.

"What ' mean' things did the demon do now?"

She teared up and started sobbing.

"Well he yelled at me and threw me at a wall!"

You sighed. "Grell we need to talk....Sit down..."

You sat down on your side of the desk and Grell sat on the desk with her legs dangling next to you.

"What is it (Y/N)?" She asked still sniffling.

"Well Grell first if all you are never going to get the demon if you cry so much when he is mean to you. Second of all being creepy and taking stalkerish photos is not going to help at all! You need to be more slow and let things take time."

"But I want Bassy NOW!" she shouted.

"Grell Sutcliffe I swear to God if you yell in my office again I will drag that demon boy in here and show much your crying."

That made her shut up. You pushed up your glasses.

"Now, take it slow. Help out on some of their missions. But very minimal help. Every once in a while. Then they will bring you in as an alley. Then you can get closer. Just don't go in screaming and fangirling every five seconds."

She smiled and hugged you. "Thank you SOOOOOOO much (Y/N)!" She ran out of the room to start with your advice.

You watched as she ran out. You sighed. You knew Grell would never love you because of her love for Sebastian. A single tear slipped out of your eye. 'If Grell is happy with Sebastian.....Then I am happy she is with Sebastian.' you thought getting back to work.

( Hello! I know I used the Pro-noun 'she' for Grell. And that is because even the Creator of Black Butler called Grell a she. She is Male at birth but there is this thing called Transgender. So if I see any hate about the Pro-noun 'she' for Grell then I will Bitch Flick you....And anyone who knows me....Knows my Bitch Flicks hurt!)

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