Random Boyfriend Senario (When He Kissed You)

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(So I just wanted to do this little boyfriend senario for if they kissed you for the first time or something. So this will Include, Ciel, Sebastian, Alois, Claude, Undertaker, and William.)


You and Ciel had been a couple for a while after Elizabeth was caught cheating with another man. She begged and cried for forgiveness but he wouldn't give into such weakness.

And there you were, standing before him. So perfect in every way possible. Your (H/C) shinned in the sun and your (E/C) glistened in the light.

One day while Ciel was in his office you came in with a small box. He looked up at you.

"(Y/N), what is that?" He asked annoyed.

"Pocky....." You said in a happy tone.

You walked over to him. And handed him the box.

"Wanna play?". He smirked.

"Fine.....But I never loose." You teased him saying how you were going to win.

You both placed some pocky in your mouths. To make sure he won Ciel took two large bites and was already at the center. He grabbed you face and pulled you in for a deep kiss.

You blushed and pulled him off of you with your face red.

"I win~" he whispered.


You had been working at the Manor for a while now, and Sebastian was your sagnificant other.

It was funny to think that it had only been a few months since the kitty incedent. You smiled to yourself remembering the look on the young kids face when he opened Sebastians closet.

You were currently dusting some bookshelves but you could quiet reach the top one. You felt a pair of strong hands grab your waist and lift you up.

"Thank you Sebastian!" You cheered and smiled.

"No problem my lady." He replied with a smile.

You felt his arms wobble which was quite normal and you knew what he was doing.

He fake dropped you and let your face land nearly inches away from his.

"What a dirty woman you are (Y/N)~" he said leaning up and taking your first kiss.


You had been working at the Trancy Manor for a while now and was quite used to him pushing you around all the time.

But one day you found him crying alone in his bedroom, your instinct was first to comfort him. And from that day on he wouldn't let you out of his sight.

Unless baithing.

So that is what was going on. The young Lord was baithing while you were outside braiding flowers in your hair. Until the doors burst open and Alois walked into the night air in his nightgown.


You ran over and hugged him tightly. He was yelling and screaming for you to let go but you didn't.

You kept hugging until he hugged back. Soon enough the hug turned into a stare and slowly your faces moved closer and closer before a soft pair of lips was set on yours.

(The next three will be posted soon!)

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