Sebastion x Demon!Reader (Lemon)

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As a demon you had been working with the Phantomhives about a week after Sebastion started to work. Because lets be honest here. You thought he was the most beautiful thing. The way his jet black hair glisened in the sun and shined in the moonlight. The way he smiled that oh so adorable smile when looking at his favorite animal in the world.  You were just head over heels in love with him. 

As a maid you outranked Mey-rin by a lot. While she was clumsy you were elegant. While she wore glasses you have divine eyesight. And when she tripped you were 1 of the 2 people who made it seem like time froze to clean everything up before the mess was even made. You had a lot of differences, except for one thing. 

You both were head over heels for Sebastion. Along with Grell and any other woman he just stopped to look at. 

Once day while walking down the long hallway of the second floor in the Manor you had overheard a conversation being spoken by Ceil Phantomhive and the sexy demon himself. 

"Sebastion, I have a meeting with the director of the funtom factory in London today. I wish for it to be an outside event seeing as its so beautiful outside." The Earl said quiet bored with the demon bowing in front of him.

"Yes, my lord." He spoke deeply and softly. You felt a shiver run down your spine and your eyes shined red as he spoke. So deeply and softly it could rattle anyone's core. And it was quiet a turn on to listen to him use that sort of voice. And before anyone could catch you listening in. You ran off as fast as your feet would carry you outside. Hoping Sebastion would let you help. 

After reaching the Manor's gardens you stopped and pretended to cheek on Finny's work. You kept your head high as you heard Sebastion close the outside door. 

"Ah (Y/N), just whom I was looking for." He said taking long strides twards you. "I need you to help me set up for an important meeting. Please go get the table cloth and a vase, then clip some flowers and place them in the case in the center of the table and I shall do the rest." 

"Yes sir." You replied hurriedly getting to work. You had gotten everything and put it into place while Sebastion came outside to put out the finishing touches. 

"There. Your services will no longer be needed (Y/N). But I must ask of you to wait outside of my chambers once the young master had been put to bed." All you did was not and step back inside. 

All day you had wondered about what he was planning. It was eating you alive not knowing what he planned on doing with you. Throughout the day as you worked your mind was in a different place. A place where fantasies started to feel like real life. And before you knew it the young master was in bed tucked away. 

Very quickly and swiftly did you run down to Sebastions chambers. And soon the minutes felt like days, and the seconds felt like hours, and the Mili-seconds felt like minutes. And you stood in front of his door. The anticipation was a killer. 

And finally what felt like an eternity after you heard light footsteps coming down the stairway. And soon you were face to face with one of the most handsome men in the world. Your mouth felt dry which was odd for a demon. And your mind began to get fuzzy and warm. 

"Hello (Y/N), I bet you are wondering why I have asked you down here. Is that correct?" He said taking out a large ring of keys from his pocket and unlocking his room doors. 

"Yes, I have been." You said following him inside his chambers. As demons you really didn't need sleep so his bed like yours was always perfectly made. The room itself was quiet....boring. There was a desk and a chair and a big wardrobe which you could only imagine he had cat stuff in. 

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