Undertaker x Reader: A Good Laugh

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Working for Ciel Phantomhive was a lot more work than you thought that it would be. To be honest you just needed the money to get your own house and live your own life. The reason that you worked there was because you were an extremely talented assassin like Met-rin. Though you didn't get any fancy glasses like she did. You got a pair of gloves. 

While Ceil was away he had you go to see The Undertaker to take care of the case of the 5 dead men all with X's torn into their dead bodies. And why you? Because you were the most mature out of all of them. You actually knew how to do your job. But your leather gloves made the job pretty difficult. 

Anyway, as you walked down the cobblestone path to the Undertaker's shop you felt a chill run down your spine. It was either because of the Autumn air, or because you felt like you were being followed. You held your jacket just a little tighter around your bodice and walked into the Undertaker's shop. 

As you walked in you noticed how dimly lit and gloomy the place actually was with the windows covered with heavy blackish bluish curtains. A soft chuckle came from behind the counter of the store which startled you. As you dipped your head around to face The Undertaker you saw him arise from under the table. 

"Why hello there deary!~" He said in that sing-song like voice of his. "And who may you be?" 

"(Y/N), (Y/N) (L/N). I work for Ceil Phantomhive. I have come on the case of the 5 men dead with the X's carved into their bodies. Do you know anything?" You said giving the most professional voice you could while straightening your back. 

"Ah! A dear servant of the Phantomhive household! How lovely!" He said smiling and clapping his hands together. "Now then I guess Ceil hadn't told you of what the price for information was around here." He said with his smug grin growing wider. 

"Oh of course he had told me. You like to laugh. Who doesn't. Luckily I came prepared." You smiled putting your hands into your pockets. 

"Well then! Lets her it!" He said leaning on the counter with one of his hands holding up his cheek and the other one laying down flat on the counter. 

"One day a man showed up for a duel with only a pencil and paper. And then he proceeded to draw his weapon." You smirked a bit to yourself knowing that this would make him laugh. 

He smiled a bit. And then came soft chuckling. And then came loud chuckling. And then giggling and then full out laughter. 

"Ah! Draw his weapon!" The Undertaker shouted as he hit his hand onto the table laughing. His strange laugh had also started to make you chuckle.

And once you looked up you saw a glimpse of green eyes underneath all that grey hair and he looked ta you moving some of the bags out of his face. He was beautiful. 

Heat rose to your cheeks. And you knew that this wouldn't be the last time you came to visit to undertaker. 

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