I turned around and walk back to him"You sure about that?" I lower my voice.
He nodded
I lean closer making sure other people don't hear us" I'm pregnant you know," I gave him the rest for the information
"That doesn't stop that fact I still want you in my video," he whispered. I lean away and cross my arms together."You want me that bad don't you?"
He grinned" What took you so long to notices?"
A smile ran across my face as I stared into his sparkle,big brown,eyes" You're the first guy that ever stick to a girl who is pregnant by somebody else."
" Not all guys chase a girl for sex" he replied" I look over his shoulder and notices Keyanna waving a different bikini for me to see.
I nodded letting her know I liked it. "If you're okay having a pregnant girl in your video" I mumble" I guess I will continue what I started."
" Now were talking," he said with a wide smile.
"Oh..so I guess we weren't talking before."
He laughed" Not really,"
" Keyanna looks ready,I should probably go before she gets pissed."
I walked by him making my way toward Keyanna "
"We should get everything done before I get fat." I said in a low tone thinking he won't hear me.
" Naw,I like my girl thick."
He responded behind me
I shook my head back and forth and continue walking.
I stopped behind Keyanna who was getting all of her stuff ready. She notices me and turned around with the biggest smile on her face " Ready,"
"Yeah," I nodded
"Everything okay?" She asked
"Yeah," I nodded again.
" Alright,lets head over to the dressing room."
I follow behind her as we enter the room that is way too big to be a dressing room. One side was for hair and makeup and the other side was for clothes,mostly beach wear.
" If its okay with you I'm going to start on hair and make-up." She made sure I'm okay with everything.
" It doesn't matter," I walked over to a chair in front of a mirror and had a sit. She grabbed a straightener that was already set to go, then grab a hair brush and slowly began to brush my hair.
She place the brush down and grabbed a hair tie getting ready to straighten my naturally curly hair.
When she was about to pull my hair into a messy bun,she stopped half way as her eyes settle on my neck.
I look at the mirror and notices she was looking at my hickies.
Damn I totally forget...
"Its not what it looks like." I muttered
"Let me guess you kicking it with Drake?"
I croaked" Drake and I ain't like that."
" My bad,"
"Thats okay,"
It was quiet for a while,but then she spoke up
"He hasn't asked you out or anything?" She carried on with the conversation
"Why do you ask?" I asked instead of answering
"I have never seen Drake chase after a woman the way he chase after you." I smiled " Too bad I'm taken."

My Life As Chris Brown's Girlfriend,A Chris Brown,Drake love story
FanfictionSitting here feeling kinda crazy But not just any crazy It's the kind you feel when you love somebody And I know that my baby Is calling somebody else baby And I can't sit still Look how gone it got me Who knew that my heart could ever bruise You se...