It Not What It Looks Like

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By the time we got to the hospital, I was rushed into the emergency room with no questions being asked. Chris was told to wait in the waiting room while I was put into a creepy scary room with multiple doctors trying to figure out what's wrong with me.They asked simple questions like what wrong?Where does it hurt and how long have you had pain? I gave them my best answers and hopefully they find out what's wrong ,cuz I'm still too young to die.

After an hour of checking my whole entire body. They gave me a shot to help with my cramps and moved me into a much better room than the one I was in. I tried to fall asleep,but somehow after five minutes I kept on waking up. My cramps were starting to go away little by little,I'm proud to say I feel way better than I did when I arrived. I closed my eyes trying to find some sleep,but then opened them back up when I heard the sound of the door opening.It was Chris looking so tier as hell, as our eyes met he manage to put a smile on his face making me think he is okay.

"Hey,how are you feeling?" He asked walking toward the bed that I was on.

"Better then before," I stared at the time that was in front of me,as it reads 3:20 am. " Baby you need some sleep ,go home. I will be okay"

"My rest will have to wait,knowing that you're okay is more important than sleeping." He pulled up a chair behind him and had a sit.

I smile and closed my eyes. After two minutes pass by, I opened my eyes back up and turned to see Chris trying his best to stay awake. It drew the biggest smile on my face and in my heart.

"You can be an ass hoe sometimes,but I guess thats why I love you," I loudly whispered.

" I guess so too," he grinned.


It took the doctor an hour and a half to finally show up with my result.

"Chris,....Chris, babe wake up the doctor is here." I sat up on the bed as he quickly got up in shock. "I'm up!"

I laughed finding it really funny the way his face looked when he said I'm up. I turned my attention back to the doctor as I tried not to laugh.

"What's funny?" He questioned walking over to me.

"Nothing," I lied

"Chris right?" The doctor asked


"My name is Dr Scott and I'm in charge in finding out what's wrong with Margaret," he took his hand out for a shake.

"Chris Brown,boyfriend." He shake his hand back as they both pulled away.

nigga I bet he already know who you are.

"I'm sadly to say that I have some bad news here." He looked through his papers,while Chris and I stared at him like there is no tomorrow. Just hearing the word bad made my heart beats twice as fast,cuz I knew what was coming.

Dr Scott pointed at me and looked at Chris "i'm guessing you're aware that she is pregnant,"

"yeah," he nodded

"As we were going through check up we found out that her pregnancy ended up in the wrong spot. Instead of the egg staying in the middle of her stomach it went below,and that's why she has hard painful cramps."

Somehow I just knew this was the problem. My face went from laughing to totally shutting down.

"So how are things going to work out now? Will she be able to give birth?" asked Chris worrying about his unborn baby

I tried not to look at him knowing that its impossible for me to wait until the baby grow so I can give birth. I remember what Beyonce told me. The best thing was to removed the baby before it killed her. That line ran through my mind over and over to the point where a tear escaped from my eye.

My Life As Chris Brown's Girlfriend,A Chris Brown,Drake love storyWhere stories live. Discover now